Message 37459

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: 20 Nov 99 16:49:13 +0000
What are you on about, Kevin Fairhurst?

> > > PS Yes, it was my turn to advocate buying OS3.5 - I think it's Paul C's
> > > next ...
> > Eh? Excuse me? I haven't even bought it myself!
> Well you should do!!

I know, and I might. But there are too many other nice things around
to not buy ;)

> > And I have two reasons, one pretty dreadful:
> > 1) I'm too scared to replace the ROMs after the horror stories.
> wuss!  what's there to be scared of?

How about knackering my entire computer by pulling too hard/at the
wrong angle/the completely wrong thing?

> > 2) I'm too lazy to order it ;)
> well get off your fat ass and order it!

I don't have to, I can just go to  (but
it still doesn't mean I want to).

> > Paul C, not opening up his Amiga until after Christmas
> Pretend you are a little kid and open it early!


> Kev

Paul C, so why me anyway?
... 1)  Problem: "Left inside main tire almost needs replacement."
       Solution: "Almost replaced left inside main tire."
    2)  Problem: "Test flight OK, except autoland very rough."
       Solution: "Autoland not installed on this aircraft."
    3)  Problem: "Evidence of hydraulic leak on right main landing gear."
       Solution: "Evidence removed."

Message 37460

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Late OS3.5 wishlist
Date: 20 Nov 99 16:55:53 +0000
Some guy around here has been mumbling again=2E Apparently he goes
by the name of Peter Gordon=2E

> > Now that OS3=2E5 includes net connectivity, I'd like to see a utility s=
> > to Go!Zilla on the wintel=2E=2E=2E=2E=2Eif, while downloading you lose =
> A friend of mine is writing exactly that=2E Email Ian at ian@bleach=2Edem=
on=2Eco=2Euk and ask for details
> about Go Fetch!

=2E=2E=2Ewhich is on the latest AFCD=2E

Or use V=B3 (as someone else said) - if you download something with the
same filename it will either cancel/resume/rename it :)

Paul C, in dreams
=2E=2E=2E Q=2E How do you get a guitar player to play softer?
    A=2E Give him a sheet of music=2E

Message 37461

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Are Active still trading?
Date: 20 Nov 99 20:33:41 +0000
On 20 Nov 99 18:37:18 +0000, Anthony Prime wibbled...

> Well I've certainly had mine, got it around the time I should have
> done, and when I contacted Active for some support he replied (though
> somewhat tersly). I don't know but if he's moved he could be just too
> busy to help for the moment?

I made a mistake on my order, and have tried to correct it four times;
oonce the week before NC3 was released, and three times since. I
haven't received any acknowledgement that the error has been
corrected, neither have I had any replies to my emails and the phone
line is just on an answerphone all day. The only thing I can say in
their favour at the moment is that they haven't debited my bank
account (AFAIK).

Megaglobal businesses have moved premises in less time than Active :/

------------------------- ===== The Wibble ===== -------------------------
 This week's new words come from Jacqui Krapotkin's Soapwatch, along with
   news from Alan Pie and poetry in Kiddies Corner. "It's really great"
------- --- -------

Message 37462

From :"Jonathan M. Dudley" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Partitions (was WW dont work)
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 21:21:12 +0000
Paul Crellin wrote:

> If I can't make WW open on a pal screen, is it possible to
> have a bootable partition withOS3.0 or OS3.1 and WW on. Then set up
> another partition with OS 3.5 and the rest of my computor on it?

Yes. I did the same thing on Dad's while we had trouble booting OS3.5. In
fact, the 3.0 partition is still there, in case he needs to use something
which I haven't got around to re-installing yet (which is most of his
software). Just use the early startup menu to choose your OS version.

Quantum Mechanics - the dreams stuff is made of.

Message 37463

From :"Jonathan M. Dudley" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 060/3.5 problems
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 21:29:45 +0000
Mike Quinlan wrote:

> I have a GVP 060 with 3.5 installed ok now.

So has Dad - now.  :)

> I had to do a complete 3.1 install from the CD, then do the pre-install,
> then the main 3.5.

Same here. That's the standard procedure (unless you're already running 3.1,
I guess).

> When it had completed I rebooted and the machine failed. I had to
> re-install the 040/060 libraries from the GVP install disk.

So did I, but it still wouldn't boot. I had to remove the AmigaOSROMUpdate
file from sys:devs. I guess it wasn't the 060 library after all.

> It works, but I have other problems with my 060.

What sort of problems? I probably can't help, but there are brains on this
list who probably can.

A handy telephone tip: keep a small chalkboard near the phone.
Then you can run your fingernails down it when telesales call.

Message 37464

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: New Amiga Virus:Babylon5
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 21:30:29 +0000
On 19-Nov-99, wrote:

> To help with this task I plan to email those two companies, plus
> Hyperion software. However, I doubt Clickboom would do it, as they are
> a tad busy at the moment (what with Euroburn and Nightlong (and Z?)!).
> But then again, Homeworld would also be a good conversion, as
> previously mentioned...

Yes but B5 would be our last best hope for *VICTORY * :)

Wonder would Foundation Imaging allow the original Lightwave models to be
used :)
See Ya
Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37465

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hardrive Block used twice
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 21:02:19 +0000
On 18-Nov-99, Darren Silcock wrote:

> Usually the best option is to boot with no startup-sequence and wait until
> it validates the drive. I assume that you have your harddrive in two
> partitions, one for system and the other for work or whatever. If you do
> then you will be able to download DiskSalv. Otherwise look on any of the
> AF CD's in _ *_+System+/Tools/Disk_Tools/DiskSalv2* directory and run this
> on validate. (That's if you have a CDROM)

I agree with you on that one mate, booting without startup-sequence is the
best way to validate an FFS partition because no other activity is taking
place. We had an A1200 in a *MINI *tower case at our user group (Shame you
missed this one redvers) that was refusing to boot because of a invalid HD
booting without startup sorted it out in about 2 minutes

In case (no pun intended) your interested the motherboard was *diagonally
*across the case.

See Ya
Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37466

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Noisy Sound
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 21:20:08 +0000
On 18-Nov-99, Alkis Tsapanidis wrote:

> Hi
> I've got a little bit of problem.My Amiga's
> sound is very noisy when using AHI.I've
> tryed playing with the settings but it doesn't
> help.What can I do??Can anyone send his
> settings file??My e-mail address is
> Cheers

Turn the volume down :) 

Seriously though you haven't given us enough info here

See Ya
Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37467

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: I dont believe it!!!
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 12:22:09 +0100
On 15-Nov-99 Bert Volders said: 

> It was displayed at the Cologne-show as part of the Amiga Museum (which
> lacked an important model, the A2000).

Although not as important as the Amiga 1000 :)
Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37468

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Harddrive Problem
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 12:28:45 +0100
On 15-Nov-99 Steve Shurman said: 

> I recently got a 2.5" 540Mb HD. I plugged it in, found my WB disk and
> proceeded to set the drive up....

> Using HDToolBox I did a Low-Level format, partitioned the drive into 3,
> adjusted maxtransfer (0x1fe00 for all partitions) and saved changes. HDTB
> told me to reboot which I did, my amiga booted ok and i went to format the
> partitoins. dh0 formatted ok. dh1 stopped at 20%, hd light on but no
> actual formatting activity, I tried to cancel but nothing happened. After
> waiting for a few mins I turned the computer off....

Oh shit....

> When I rebooted my amiga it would not recognise the hd in any shape or
> form, even ignores it in the early-boot menu. I have tried the drive in 2
> different PCs both of them refuse to recognise the drive even though thay
> still manage to interrogate the device.

> Have I killed it, or is there hope?

You may have a 2.5" HD is almost certainly an IDE drive and you should NEVER

The only hope you have is see if you supplier will exchange it. You did get
it through the proper channels didn't you...

Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37469

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AmiAtlas 5
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 16:09:14 +0100
On 16-Nov-99 Alan L.M. Buxey said: 

> On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

>> The last time I looked at it it was very good, and comprehensive to boot,
>> but only really dealt with Germany. This version is supposed to cover the
>> UK in the same kind of detail, so, fingers crossed...

> review in the next issue??

> Hope it can handle where the A23 meets the A27 just nort of brighton...
> I put the Brighton-> portsmouth route into Autoroute express on a PC
> last told me to go north PAST the A27, then to tak a left down
> onto the A27....if i followed that route i would have driven up the
> sliproad that leads OFF the A27 and found myself driving the wrong way
> along the A27!! (incidentally the correct route is take a right at the
> roundabout juntion just south of the A27 and then follow the sliproad
> onto he A27) LOL!

The best PC route planner has to be AA Milemaster it prints out the actual
directions (what roads to follow, junctions etc) to get to where you want
to go. We haven't gotten lost with it yet :)

Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37470

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout sales target?
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 21:06:15 +0000
On 18-Nov-99, Thomas Hurst wrote:

> Yes, running under WinUAE on an 8MB 486 DX2 underclocked to 2MHz... 

Shouldn't that be overclocked ;)

See Ya
Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37471

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and new SetPatch
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 20:51:59 +0000
Hi Kevin,
On 18-Nov-99, you wrote:

> I bought a new hard drive today (a Seagate if anyone is doing a poll on
> new purchases ;) and took the chance to finally install OS3.5!

What!!! This can't be the same Kevin Fairhurst I know! Buying one of the
cheapest (it shows) makes of hard drives available. Install PFS on it Kev!
> Can someone, anyone, please help me?  Help me a f b, you're my only hope.

See Ya
Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37472

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Old Amiga Format Video
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 21:18:21 +0000

I've just acquired an old video cassette made by Amiga Format called "An
introduction to the Amiga 1200" presented by someone called Steve Jarrett
whoever he is ;) and I was wondering if there any plans to make any more
"An introduction to OS3.5 would be nice" :)

Its incredibly basic, although in the tour of the menus he said "Empty Trash
- This is another way of deleting files  but it's seldom used by anyone so
don't worry about it" :)

See Ya
Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37473

From :"Robert Smith" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Are Active still trading?
Date: 20 Nov 99 21:48:33 +0000
> ..
>    Active delivered an order that I posted to there Web Site on Sunday by Thursday.
     Thats not bad service .Hope you get yours sorted.
        All the best Robert


                               Best Regards,
                               East Yorkshire.


Message 37474

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout sales target?
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 17:18:40 +0100
On 20-Nov-99, Patrice Champarou wrote:

>> Or at least a voucher for 5 off or something.

>  Blyme! I thought you were Irish... got me wrong again!

Ehehehe, the name right? Nah, my grandDad was irish, thats about it though,
the rest of me is from coventry (made planes during the war)

>  Patrice - Likes Mash regardless to what people say :)

I'm not Irish but hmmmm....I have a yearning for a
potato...mmmm.....spuds... ;)

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

"There can be only one!" - The Kurgan

Message 37475

From :"=?iso-8859-1?Q?St=E9phan?= MARTIN" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Partitions (was WW dont work)
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 14:22:49 -0800
"paul crellin" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Hello again,
> If I can't make WW open on a pal screen, is it possible to
> have a bootable partition withOS3.0 or OS3.1 and WW on. Then set up 
> another partition with OS 3.5 and the rest of my computor on it?

Which version of WW are you using. Did you read the file in
OS3.5 ?
You have to change one setting (CLI to Workbench if my memory is OK) in
WW icon.

Message 37476

From :Chris Faircloth <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Are Active still trading?
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 11:53:44 +1300
Hello Anthony

On 21-Nov-99, you wrote:

>AP Hi Daniel

>AP>> Anyone on the AFB List had received the NetConnect3 CD or
>AP>> knows what is hapening with Chris Wiles from Active Technologies?

>AP> A lovely edit of all the mails on the NC list :)
>AP> Congratulations, sir :)

>AP Well I've certainly had mine, got it around the time I should have
>AP done, and when I contacted Active for some support he replied (though
>AP somewhat tersly). I don't know but if he's moved he could be just too
>AP busy to help for the moment?

I have had the upgrade to STFax4 and NetConnect3 for a least 2 weeks, also any
query I had concening upgrading was answered by Chris Wiles promptly and
politely, so I can only say that service to me has been vert satisfactory.

Kind regards

Chris Faircloth.    Auckland ,   New Zealand
*Amiga Phoenix For The Future*   

ICQ # 38728970

Marriage, n:
The evil aye.

Message 37477

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Are Active still trading?
Date: 20 Nov 99 22:56:49 +0000
On Sun, 21 Nov 1999 11:53:44 +1300, Chris Faircloth wibbled...

> I have had the upgrade to STFax4 and NetConnect3 for a least 2 weeks, also any
> query I had concening upgrading was answered by Chris Wiles promptly and
> politely, so I can only say that service to me has been vert satisfactory.

But that's what make sit so annoying for those of us who haven't
received our orders. We haven't heard anything from Active, and Chris
seems to have vanished from every mailing list, and doesn't reply to
personal mail :/
------------------------- ===== The Wibble ===== -------------------------
 This week's new words come from Jacqui Krapotkin's Soapwatch, along with
   news from Alan Pie and poetry in Kiddies Corner. "It's really great"
------- --- -------

Message 37478

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: epson stylus 460 drivers for amiga
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 22:35:42 +0000
On 20-Nov-99, Richard Tapp wrote:

> I've just bought the abovementioned printer with the hope that the
> 400/440 driver (from Aminet) will drive it and the software inside the
> printer hasn't changed too much since the 440 version...  I did want
> the 440 but they said they've stopped production of them.  I'm sure it
> was only a couple of months since I saw one in their shop!?

Does anyone know what happened to the 640 it just vanished without a trace
from the x40 range overnight 

See Ya
Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37479

From :Ron Hogenberk <>
Subject: [afb] Major PPCFlash trouble Update
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 00:27:10 +0200

The problem I had with the PPCflash rom are solved.
Thanks to everyone who replied to my mail.

I solved the problem by reflashing it, this gave some
problems because when the flash went wrong i got the 
Found 603e with unknown MHZ
getting clock argument
no clock specified 

I typed blizzppc040update ?.
then the update gave the following options:

180MHZ/s 200MHZ/s 240MHZ/s FORCE/s

so i typed blizzppc040update 240MZH and hit enter
and it completed the complete flash update.

I am happy again :-)

Kind regards

<sb>*Ron Hogenberk*


It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 37480

From :"Matthew Wise" <>
Subject: [afb] Crashes
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 23:36:45 -0000
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

Occasionaly the mouse pointer will suddenly freeze for no apparant reason. =
 Anyone got any ideas what might be causing these lock-ups?  Could it be MC=
P?  I haven't got many other things running and I've heard that MCP is supp=
osed to be dodgy.

Also, when booting up into DOpus WBR, sometimes it will just crash with a t=
otally blank (whitish grey) screen and 'Workbench Screen' in the title bar.=
  Other times it will display the "Opus 5 Loading...please wait" requester =
thing like its supposed to and load fine, but the mouse pointer will stay o=
n 'busy'.  I can carry on doing things though.  Does the 5.81(?) patch cure=

Matt W - gonna get a zip drive from Gasteiner cos i'm fed up with Power C's=

Content-Type: text/html;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1" http-equiv=3DContent-Type=
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.00.2614.3401" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Occasionaly the mouse pointer will suddenly freeze for =
no =

apparant reason.  Anyone got any ideas what might be causing these =

lock-ups?  Could it be MCP?  I haven't got many other things runn=
ing =

and I've heard that MCP is supposed to be dodgy.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Also, when booting up into DOpus WBR, sometimes it will=
 just =

crash with a totally blank (whitish grey) screen and 'Workbench Screen' in =
the =

title bar.  Other times it will display the "Opus 5 Loading...please w=
ait" =

requester thing like its supposed to and load fine, but the mouse pointer w=
ill =

stay on 'busy'.  I can carry on doing things though.  Does the 5.=
81(?) =

patch cure this?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Cheers</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Matt W - gonna get a zip drive from Gasteiner cos i'm f=
ed up =

with Power C's delays...</FONT></DIV>



Message 37481

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Partitions (was WW dont work)
Date: 21 Nov 99 10:11:21 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

 From:  Paul Crellin <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  21-Nov-99 01:38:34
About: [afb] Partitions (was WW dont work)

Hi Paul,

> If I can't make WW open on a pal screen, is it possible to
> have a bootable partition withOS3.0 or OS3.1 and WW on. Then set up 
> another partition with OS 3.5 and the rest of my computor on it?

Wordworth (that is what you mean by WW?) has a screen mode requester in
it's preferences.  You can pick just about any screen mode you want to.
Unless you're using an older version that may not have that feature (I'm
using version 5, and don't know about earlier ones).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Lucky for you I typed this, nobody can read my handwriting.

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 37482

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!
Date: 20 Nov 1999 23:7:52 +0000
Paul Cundle said, 

> On Sat Nov 20, Neil Bothwick was heard muttering:

>> > I think it's quite expensive, but so is Amiga hardware
>> Which makes forty quid for an accelerator something of a bargain.

> It's not exactly an accelerator, but I get your point.

It makes most operations faster, sounds like acceleration to me :)

>> If you don't keep backups, you obviously place very little value on your
>> work.

> Not true. I value my work a lot, but I /can't/ make backups because
> there's nothing to backup to. Even if I spent all weekend copying to
> floppies, 1gigHD ---!=----> 50 DD floppies :(

If you truly valued it, you'd buy a backup device. After the initial
backup, you could probably backup a 1GB drive to a single Zip disk using
incremental backups and compression.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
WinErr 008: Broken window - Watch out for glass fragments

Message 37483

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!
Date: 21 Nov 99 00:10:20 +0000
Neil Bothwick reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!, but there's more to it than that.

> >> Which makes forty quid for an accelerator something of a bargain.
> > It's not exactly an accelerator, but I get your point.
> It makes most operations faster, sounds like acceleration to me :)

Most operations? Disk accessing yes, but it's not going to affect
everyday word processing, piccy drawing, graphics rendering,
spreadsheet creation etc. is it?

> > Not true. I value my work a lot, but I /can't/ make backups
> > because there's nothing to backup to.

> If you truly valued it, you'd buy a backup device.

You missed the all important words "and if you had enough money"

I do value it, but I still /can't/ backup because I can't afford
anything to back up to.
And don't say borrow someone elses because I don't know anyone with a
zip drive or a CD writer.

> Neil

Paul C, nearing poverty
... "Bother," said Pooh, as the whole of creation disintegrated. 

Message 37484

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!
Date: 21 Nov 1999 0:26:39 +0000
Paul Cundle said, 

> Neil Bothwick reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear...
> something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!, but there's more to it than that.

>> > It's not exactly an accelerator, but I get your point.
>> It makes most operations faster, sounds like acceleration to me :)

> Most operations? Disk accessing yes, but it's not going to affect
> everyday word processing, piccy drawing, graphics rendering,
> spreadsheet creation etc. is it?

Some of them, yes. Word processing for example involves quite a lot of
disk access, font loading, spell checking etc.

>> > Not true. I value my work a lot, but I /can't/ make backups
>> > because there's nothing to backup to.

>> If you truly valued it, you'd buy a backup device.

> You missed the all important words "and if you had enough money"

> I do value it, but I still /can't/ backup because I can't afford
> anything to back up to.

That just means you'd rather not lose it. If it really was valuable to
you, you'd insure it, like any valuable property. Especially if you
couldn't afford to replace it, or were unable to.

A 1GB drive doesn't require 1GB of media to back it up anyway. The drive
isn't full, then you can exclude files that you already have copies of,
like software files. Then exclude the disposable data like browser
caches. Now apply a decent level of compression to the remaining data
and you're down to a few hundred KB at most. One good session would see
that all backed up, even if using floppies. After that you only need to
backup new data.

Anyone who doesn't have the time to do a single backup, doesn't really
need a backup.

> And don't say borrow someone elses because I don't know anyone with a
> zip drive or a CD writer.

Of course you do, lots of people on here have them :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Out of body, be back in five minutes.

Message 37485

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke)
Date: 21 Nov 99 00:37:09 +0000
Neil Bothwick reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!, but there's more to it than that.

> >> It makes most operations faster, sounds like acceleration to me :)
> > Most operations? Disk accessing yes, but it's not going to affect
> > everyday word processing, piccy drawing, graphics rendering,
> > spreadsheet creation etc. is it?
> Some of them, yes. Word processing for example involves quite a lot of
> disk access, font loading, spell checking etc.

Only for brief periods though. I thought PFS was only apparently
faster when used a lot, like a 16x CD drive isn't 16x except in big

> > I do value it, but I still /can't/ backup because I can't afford
> > anything to back up to.

> That just means you'd rather not lose it. If it really was valuable
> to you, you'd insure it, like any valuable property.

And insurance costs money. There is, at the moment, nothing I can do
to make a backup.

> A 1GB drive doesn't require 1GB of media to back it up anyway. The
> drive isn't full

Nearly :/

> then you can exclude files that you already have
> copies of, like software files

It's a lot better to backup stuff like this so it doesn't need
reconfiguring etc but I agree.

> Now apply a decent level of compression to the remaining
> data and you're down to a few hundred KB at most.

Er, no actually. I have a 5MB archive of all the /really/ important
stuff at the moment but I'd rather have much more.

> > And don't say borrow someone elses because I don't know anyone
> > with a zip drive or a CD writer.

> Of course you do, lots of people on here have them :)

So, Neil, when are you going to let me borrow you CD writer and your
best Amiga equipment you've got so I can decide whether I should get
the same? ;)

> Neil

Paul C, knowing me, knowing you - aha!
... Wanted.  Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.

Message 37486

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFB amd YAM
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 01:10:13 +0100
Hi Paul

On 20-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Hello Again,
> Is it just me whos system is falling apart or is anyone
> else having trouble writing to afb with Yam.

The only times I've had trouble with YAM have all been my fault. Apart from
that it's worked flawlessly.


"Bother," said Pooh, as he woke up with an embarrassing tattoo.

Message 37487

From :chris <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Old Amiga Format Video
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 03:29:25 +0000
Hello Wesley

On 20-Nov-99, you wrote:

> I've just acquired an old video cassette made by Amiga Format called "An
> introduction to the Amiga 1200" presented by someone called Steve Jarrett
> whoever he is ;) and I was wondering if there any plans to make any more
> "An introduction to OS3.5 would be nice" :)

Hahaha...the way things are at AF just now, I'll wager that they can hardly
afford to even rent a video from Blockbuster, never mind make their
own......they *are *that skint! ;-)


Dougal....How did you get into The Church?  Was it like, collect 12 crisp
packets and become a Priest?
-- Father Ted, Father Ted (Dermot Morgan - R.I.P.)

Powered by PowerPC Amiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC/060 50Mhz, BVision, 74Mb Ram, OS3.5, CGX V4.1

Panasonic 36" Wiiiiddeessccrreeennn TV, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD, Denon
AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers, Kef SubWoofer..... 

Message 37488

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout sales target?
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 09:15:43 +0200
Hello Matthew

On 20-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Ehehehe, the name right? 

 Yes, now this time I meant you were so often taking about bargains, cut
prices, vouchers or reductions of any kind, that I thought after all you
might as well be Scottish :)

  No offense, anyone; my family must be from Auvergne,  centre of France,
and these coal and wine selling people have exactly the same reputation :
 ' a penny is a penny'
( which, with a country pronunciation, a bit like the Tenness(h)ee accent, 
strangely sounds like 'a cabbage is a cabbage'!)

  That's why ( to give this mail an excuse for being sent to Afb ) I'm SURE
you'll end up buying OS 3.5 when you're persuaded it's worth it ( One 
should never say 'never', and only fools  never change their minds... if it 
was not so, I would still be using my A1000...)



Message 37489

From :Jon Barker <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Harddrive Problem
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 09:53:45 +0000
Hello Wesley

On 20-Nov-99, Wesley Potter wrote:

> You may have a 2.5" HD is almost certainly an IDE drive and you should

    There's nothing wrong with doing a lowlevel format of an IDE drive, but
you really must use the manufacture's software, which will know about the
intricacies of the drive.  People have been known to get away with using
3rd party software, but might have wiped some important setup info on the

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 37490

From :Vincenzo Morra <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Golem
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 09:41:11 +0100
Hello Frost

On 20-Nov-99, Frost wrote:

> Hi People,
> Does anyone know whether Golem from Power Computing is ever going to be
> released? I really liked the demo, but have heard nothing on it since, and
> it's vanished out of the ads.

It is been put on hold.

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 37491

From :Paul Crellin <>
Subject: [afb] afb and Yam
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 10:36:51 +0000
Hello All,

Found out the problem. Everything works now since I added pop3. in the
servers name box. Whoops.... Turkey of the week award?

Thanks to all who helped.


Message 37492

From :Paul Crellin <>
Subject: [afb] re:partitions
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 10:40:58 +0000
Hello All,

As a last resort I tried installing WW again and now it all works ok
so I'm not going to fiddle with it anymore. (maybe that was the
problem in the first place!! :)

Thanks to all who took time to help.


Message 37493

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: 21 Nov 99 10:50:08 +0000
On 20 Nov 99 16:49:13 +0000, Paul Cundle (paulc@lantik=2Eu-net=2Ecom) wrote=
> What are you on about, Kevin Fairhurst?
> > > > PS Yes, it was my turn to advocate buying OS3=2E5 - I think it's Pa=
ul C's
> > > > next =2E=2E=2E
> > > Eh? Excuse me? I haven't even bought it myself!
> > Well you should do!!
> I know, and I might=2E But there are too many other nice things around
> to not buy ;)

True, true=2E  I'm tempted to buy so many games for my console, but at =A34=
0 a
shot I'm trying not to!

> > > And I have two reasons, one pretty dreadful:
> > > 1) I'm too scared to replace the ROMs after the horror stories=2E
> > wuss!  what's there to be scared of?
> How about knackering my entire computer by pulling too hard/at the
> wrong angle/the completely wrong thing?

Pah!  You can always buy a new motherboard  ;-)

Seriously, I was "worried" about doing the same thing, and this is with an
A4000 so m/b's aren't as available if something does go worng=2E  You just
have to take your time=2E  patience =2E=2E=2E don't try and force the chips=
 out =2E=2E=2E
> > > 2) I'm too lazy to order it ;)
> > well get off your fat ass and order it!
> I don't have to, I can just go to http://www=2Eweirdscience=2Eco=2Euk  (b=
> it still doesn't mean I want to)=2E

Okay, so you can order online then!  :-)
> > > Paul C, not opening up his Amiga until after Christmas
> > Pretend you are a little kid and open it early!
> :)

Or pretend you're an adult for whom Christmas is just another day    ;-)
> > Kev
> Paul C, so why me anyway?

Cos I couldn't think of anyone else's name at the time =2E=2E=2E


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37494

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and new SetPatch
Date: 21 Nov 99 11:05:24 +0000
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999 20:51:59 +0000, Wesley Potter (wezza@currantbun=2Ecom) =
> Hi Kevin,

Hi Wes!

> On 18-Nov-99, you wrote:
> > I bought a new hard drive today (a Seagate if anyone is doing a poll on
> > new purchases ;) and took the chance to finally install OS3=2E5!
> What!!! This can't be the same Kevin Fairhurst I know! Buying one of the
> cheapest (it shows) makes of hard drives available=2E Install PFS on it K=

Hey, what do you know, that's what I did!  Are you psychic?  PFS 3 as it
happens=2E  And what's wrong with only paying =A3140 for a hard drive inste=
of =A3160?


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37495

From :"Darren" <>
Subject: [afb] Which Graphics software ?
Date: 21 Nov 99 14:20:05 +0000
Does anyone know of a reasonable graphics package that can handle

I intend to get a colour inkjet printer (Re: my earlier thread
on Epson Photo 750) so that I can print out some of my scanned photos.
At present I only have software that can view and not print JPEGs. It
would be nice to have some form of edit capability ie. crop, cut and
paste etc.

I have a Blizzard 1230/50MHz, 32Mb memory, 4Gb hard drive and

email :
Isn't it nice having a computer that only needs booting once per day !

Message 37496

From :"Mad Matt" <>
Subject: [afb] Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 06:58:11 -0800
As the Amiga version of wipeout2 is a conversion of the playstation
version, would it be possible to have a multiplayer link game by
modifying a playstation link cable.


Message 37497

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: 21 Nov 99 12:05:20 +0000
According to Kevin, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?.

> > > wuss!  what's there to be scared of?
> > How about knackering my entire computer by pulling too hard/at the
> > wrong angle/the completely wrong thing?
> Pah!  You can always buy a new motherboard  ;-)

I'm already on my second one, and since you mention it I'll bore
everyone with my irritating story (abridged):

I had an original Commodore A1200, with the nice working motherboard.
Something broke, and the repair people replaced the motherboard. At
the time all this stuff with different revisions etc was practically
unheard of, so I didn't realise until a couple of months ago they put
a crappy one in. Bah!  :/

> Seriously, I was "worried" about doing the same thing, and this is
> with an A4000 so m/b's aren't as available if something does go
> worng.  You just have to take your time.  patience ... don't try and
> force the chips out ...

But remember, I'm Mr Paranoid, and if anything goes even slightly
strange/difficult I have to have a day off work preparing for the
worst ;)
> > > > Paul C, not opening up his Amiga until after Christmas
> > > Pretend you are a little kid and open it early!

> Or pretend you're an adult for whom Christmas is just another day   
> ;-)

It is getting that way actually. But I only chose Christmas because
I've got another month of grace before scaring myself again. In fact,
you've given me an idea for a Christmas present, ta.
Now if only you could actually buy it in shops, I wouldn't have to
order it myself and pretend I never saw it. :(

> > Paul C, so why me anyway?
> Cos I couldn't think of anyone else's name at the time ...

You mean I'm constantly on your mind? Should I be worried now?
> Kev "I'm also on the NC list" Fairhurst.

Paul C, so am I
... Q. How do you get two piccolos to play in perfect unison?
    A. Shoot one.

Message 37498

From :"Satan" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 07:25:04 -0800
"mad matt" <> wrote: 
original article:
> As the Amiga version of wipeout2 is a conversion of the playstation
> version, would it be possible to have a multiplayer link game by
> modifying a playstation link cable.

  That would be nice, but un-likly. We know the difficulties with a
Doom link
from PC to Amiga caused by the different features of the engines and
concistancy failures just imagine the problems you could have with a 
console's aged engine linked with our nice graphicaly enchanced
version! I
can't say it's impossible but I have my doubts!

Satn >:)
All hail Amiga!!

Message 37499

From :"Mad Matt" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 07:41:48 -0800
>   That would be nice, but un-likly. We know the difficulties with a
> Doom link
> from PC to Amiga caused by the different features of the engines and
> the 
> concistancy failures just imagine the problems you could have with a 
> console's aged engine linked with our nice graphicaly enchanced
> version! I
> can't say it's impossible but I have my doubts!

The difference thios time is that wipeout is a direct convertion of the
playstation version so there should be alot less compatability problems.

Doom was a convertion of the linux port so which itself is not
compatable to the dos/windows version.


Message 37500

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout again
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 15:53:20 +0000 (GMT)

> I have finally got wipeout working it turned out that the cgx monitor driver was to old.
> now i have another problem it is very very slow/jerky and this is in a 320x240 screen res with triple buffering on a 603 bvision shorley it should run really smoothly 
> with those options set
> any one have any ideas as to the cause?

probably too little memory left on your the textures are
having to be swapped in and out from fast to video mem on every
frame..this isnt very good at all. how many screens do you have open
when you play? what is your workbench screen set to?

I know its not the game as it runs very smooth on 603e at 640x480


Message 37501

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and new SetPatch
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 15:56:40 +0000 (GMT)
On 21 Nov 1999, Kevin Fairhurst wrote:

> Hey, what do you know, that's what I did!  Are you psychic?  PFS 3 as it
> happens.  And what's wrong with only paying =A3140 for a hard drive inste=
> of =A3160?

140? why didnt you buy the fujitsu 20Gb IDE for that price? :-)


Message 37502

From :"Mad Matt" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout again
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 08:06:35 -0800
> hi,
> > I have finally got wipeout working it turned out that the cgx
monitor driver was to old.
> > 
> > now i have another problem it is very very slow/jerky and this is
in a 320x240 screen res with triple buffering on a 603 bvision shorley
it should run really smoothly 
> > with those options set
> > 
> > any one have any ideas as to the cause?

You haven't installed the lastest flashrom by any chance have you.
The one dated 19/10/99.
This will slow you Blizzard card right down to less than halve its
original speed. For me software thaught my board was clocked at 358mhz
instead of 160mhz or 173mhz as most software sees.


Message 37503

From :"Satan" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and new SetPatch (Slightly off topic!)
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 08:07:07 -0800
> 140? why didnt you buy the fujitsu 20Gb IDE for that price? :-)
  If you can get a 20Gb HD for =A3140, how much is a 4Gb, at the moment 
I'm desperate for HD space!!

Satan >:)
All hail Amiga!!

Message 37504

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: 21 Nov 99 16:07:24 +0000
On 21 Nov 99 12:05:20 +0000, Paul Cundle ( wrote:
> According to Kevin, there's something good going on and it's
> something to do with [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?.
> > > > wuss!  what's there to be scared of?
> > > How about knackering my entire computer by pulling too hard/at the
> > > wrong angle/the completely wrong thing?
> > Pah!  You can always buy a new motherboard  ;-)
> I'm already on my second one, and since you mention it I'll bore
> everyone with my irritating story (abridged):
> I had an original Commodore A1200, with the nice working motherboard.
> Something broke, and the repair people replaced the motherboard. At
> the time all this stuff with different revisions etc was practically
> unheard of, so I didn't realise until a couple of months ago they put
> a crappy one in. Bah!  :/

Don't blame the technicians - the standard method is to replace the
motherboard and then fix the old one at leisure ...
> > Seriously, I was "worried" about doing the same thing, and this is
> > with an A4000 so m/b's aren't as available if something does go
> > worng.  You just have to take your time.  patience ... don't try and
> > force the chips out ...
> But remember, I'm Mr Paranoid, and if anything goes even slightly
> strange/difficult I have to have a day off work preparing for the
> worst ;)

Hey, you're not paranoid.  We ARE out to get you  ;-)
> > > > > Paul C, not opening up his Amiga until after Christmas
> > > > Pretend you are a little kid and open it early!
> > Or pretend you're an adult for whom Christmas is just another day   
> > ;-)
> It is getting that way actually. But I only chose Christmas because
> I've got another month of grace before scaring myself again. In fact,
> you've given me an idea for a Christmas present, ta.
> Now if only you could actually buy it in shops, I wouldn't have to
> order it myself and pretend I never saw it. :(

Lol!  Or you could get very drunk whilst thinking about the ROMS and thus
kill those braincells.  Et voila!
> > > Paul C, so why me anyway?
> > Cos I couldn't think of anyone else's name at the time ...
> You mean I'm constantly on your mind? Should I be worried now?

Oh no, it's just cos I'd just read an email by you and was shocked that you
hadn't changed the signature!

> > Kev "I'm also on the NC list" Fairhurst.
> Paul C, so am I

Hey, don't tell everyone!  They'll all want to join in!


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37505

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and new SetPatch
Date: 21 Nov 99 16:09:55 +0000
On Sun, 21 Nov 1999 15:56:40 +0000 (GMT), Alan L=2EM=2E Buxey (kcci1@centra=
l=2Esusx=2Eac=2Euk) wrote:
> On 21 Nov 1999, Kevin Fairhurst wrote:
> > Hey, what do you know, that's what I did!  Are you psychic?  PFS 3 as i=
> > happens=2E  And what's wrong with only paying =A3140 for a hard drive i=
> > of =A3160?
> 140? why didnt you buy the fujitsu 20Gb IDE for that price? :-)

Because I was after a SCSI III UW drive to attatch to my CyberStorm PPC=2E=
My 4 IDE slots are all full (2 hard drives, a zip drive and a CD drive)=2E=
And I know I could have just replaced one of the hard drives with the big
one =2E=2E=2E  :-=FE


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37506

From :"Michael Morley" <>
Subject: [afb] Aerial Racers
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 08:26:15 -0800
Does anyone know what happened to Vaughn Roberts of Aerial Racers fame?
I would't mind seeing a new version ;-)

Message 37507

From :Alkis Tsapanidis <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital Corruption
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 18:28:45 +0300
Digital Corruption are the biggest Amiga pirate group ever made
They don't put any backdoors in their cracked software-trust me
I have friends who used and still use cracked software from them
and they never have had problems and they don't put viruses in
the archives like others.They have very good cracking skills.
Their identities are NOT yet known and I don't think they wiil ever
be caught as they have their own ways of slipping.But I don't think
they understand the damege they do to the Amiga computer.
           Alkis Tsapanidis
Amiga RULEZ in Greece TOO!!

Message 37508

From :Alkis Tsapanidis <>
Subject: [afb] Executive
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 18:41:44 +0300
Hi all
Do not use executive with AHI or PPC I 
have had serious problems (which I have 
already published as"Noisy Sound"and
"BlizzardPPCs and Crazy Lockups")
which after alot of testing turned out to
be caused by Executive.I think it is
incompatible with the PPC kernels
(both PowerUP and WarpUP)
and AHI.I have had crashes  when
terminating the ppc.library for warpup
and serious noise when using AHI
         Alkis Tsapanidis
Amiga RULEZ in Greece TOO!!

Message 37509

Subject: [afb] Praise Mash Day
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 16:46:30 -0000
Here me now! follow thine link to save thee's soul

Event: Praise Mash Day
Date: Tue Nov 23, 1999
Description: All who wish to live must pay hommage to the great one, MashMan. all
non-believers will be struck down by lightning.

Please refrain from smoking

To add this event to your personal calendar, simply click on this link:

If you have any other comments, you can reply to this message. Calendar 

Message 37510

From :"Satan" <>
Subject: [afb] Windoze
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 08:52:08 -0800
  Are you a serious Windows and M$ hater? If so then subscribe to the
Windoze eGroups at "". Come join us in
the search for the greatest anti-Windoze punch-line ever!

Satan >:)
All hail Amiga!!

PS: Pole running at the moment, which OS|GUI do you hate most?

Message 37511

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Golem
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 17:24:02 -0000
> Does anyone know whether Golem from Power Computing is ever going to be
> released? I really liked the demo, but have heard nothing on it since, and
> it's vanished out of the ads.

I remember seeing that at World of Amiga one year....worked fast on an

I hope this is will be a shame if it isn't!


Message 37512

From :"Maarten Draijer" <>
Subject: [afb] For Patrice
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 10:29:25 -0800
Hello m8

I hope your wife like the cave-concert.
This week I will tape another one.
Its the one from paradiso,Amsterdam.
Do you think she want#(shit OS3.5 remapped my keyboard)s a copy?

BTW I lost your mail-adress.


Message 37513

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: 21 Nov 99 19:23:48 +0000
On Sun Nov 21, Kevin Fairhurst was heard muttering:

> > I had an original Commodore A1200, with the nice working motherboard.
> > Something broke, and the repair people replaced the motherboard. At
> > the time all this stuff with different revisions etc was practically
> > unheard of, so I didn't realise until a couple of months ago they put
> > a crappy one in. Bah!  :/
> Don't blame the technicians - the standard method is to replace the
> motherboard and then fix the old one at leisure ...

You're saying it's not their fault they took out a perfectly good one
(which admittedly was broken ;)) and replaced it with a 1d4? No,

> > Now if only you could actually buy it in shops, I wouldn't have to
> > order it myself and pretend I never saw it. :(
> Lol!  Or you could get very drunk whilst thinking about the ROMS and
> thus kill those braincells.  Et voila!

Er, yeah...

> > You mean I'm constantly on your mind? Should I be worried now?
> Oh no, it's just cos I'd just read an email by you and was shocked
> that you hadn't changed the signature!

Nah, I've given up on that on this list in case people get confused.
Come to think of it, I've been getting a bit slack on afb-ot. Time to
think of some new ones.

> Bev

Paul C, just for you
[snip tagline] to point out I'm talking about changing his sig, and
then to realise how it might appear to those people who automatically
snip taglines. Hmm.

Message 37514

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: 21 Nov 99 20:22:59 +0000
On 21 Nov 99 19:23:48 +0000, Paul Cundle (paulc@lantik=2Eu-net=2Ecom) wrote=
> On Sun Nov 21, Kevin Fairhurst was heard muttering:
> > > I had an original Commodore A1200, with the nice working motherboard=
> > > Something broke, and the repair people replaced the motherboard=2E At
> > > the time all this stuff with different revisions etc was practically
> > > unheard of, so I didn't realise until a couple of months ago they put
> > > a crappy one in=2E Bah!  :/
> > Don't blame the technicians - the standard method is to replace the
> > motherboard and then fix the old one at leisure =2E=2E=2E
> You're saying it's not their fault they took out a perfectly good one
> (which admittedly was broken ;)) and replaced it with a 1d4? No,
> methinks=2E

If they didn't know that there was a fault with it, can you blame them?=20
And how do you know that the well-documented fix for 1D4 motherboards
hasn't already been performed on yours by said technicians?

> > > Now if only you could actually buy it in shops, I wouldn't have to
> > > order it myself and pretend I never saw it=2E :(
> > Lol!  Or you could get very drunk whilst thinking about the ROMS and
> > thus kill those braincells=2E  Et voila!
> Er, yeah=2E=2E=2E

Sheesh=2E  Some people will never accept alternative remedies will they?
> > > You mean I'm constantly on your mind? Should I be worried now?
> > Oh no, it's just cos I'd just read an email by you and was shocked
> > that you hadn't changed the signature!
> Nah, I've given up on that on this list in case people get confused=2E
> Come to think of it, I've been getting a bit slack on afb-ot=2E Time to
> think of some new ones=2E

Well it isn't that confusing, unless you go really mad with it=2E  And do y=
really plan them in advance and not just make it all up as you go along?
> > Bev
> Paul C, full of poo



Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37515

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke)
Date: 21 Nov 1999 20:29:47 +0000
Paul Cundle said, 

> Neil Bothwick reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear...
> something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!, but there's more to it than that.

>> > Most operations? Disk accessing yes, but it's not going to affect
>> > everyday word processing, piccy drawing, graphics rendering,
>> > spreadsheet creation etc. is it?
>> Some of them, yes. Word processing for example involves quite a lot of
>> disk access, font loading, spell checking etc.

> Only for brief periods though. I thought PFS was only apparently
> faster when used a lot, like a 16x CD drive isn't 16x except in big
> transfers.

Quite the opposite. It's particularly fast at things like directory
scanning. Anything involving lots of smaller files, such as a fonts
directory, or an email one, gains more than usual.

>> > I do value it, but I still /can't/ backup because I can't afford
>> > anything to back up to.

>> That just means you'd rather not lose it. If it really was valuable
>> to you, you'd insure it, like any valuable property.

> And insurance costs money. There is, at the moment, nothing I can do
> to make a backup.

But insurance costs a lot less than the value of the items being
insured... usually.

>> A 1GB drive doesn't require 1GB of media to back it up anyway. The
>> drive isn't full

> Nearly :/

>> then you can exclude files that you already have
>> copies of, like software files

> It's a lot better to backup stuff like this so it doesn't need
> reconfiguring etc but I agree.

Config files are a lot smaller than the executables.

>> Now apply a decent level of compression to the remaining
>> data and you're down to a few hundred KB at most.

> Er, no actually. I have a 5MB archive of all the /really/ important
> stuff at the moment but I'd rather have much more.

Whoops, I meant MB :(

>> > And don't say borrow someone elses because I don't know anyone
>> > with a zip drive or a CD writer.

>> Of course you do, lots of people on here have them :)

> So, Neil, when are you going to let me borrow you CD writer and your
> best Amiga equipment you've got so I can decide whether I should get
> the same? ;)

Tell you what, I'll write a review and you can read and decide :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
You know it's going to be a bad day when you forget your new password.

Message 37516

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital Corruption
Date: 21 Nov 1999 20:34:52 +0000
Alkis Tsapanidis said, 

> Digital Corruption are the biggest Amiga pirate group ever made
> They don't put any backdoors in their cracked software-trust me

What about the trojan in datatypes.library? Or are you and DC still
trustworthy because that was a trojan and not technically a backdoor?

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Self-explanatory": technospeak for "Incomprehensible & undocumented"

Message 37517

From :Gary Clement <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFB amd YAM
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 16:57:40 +0100
Hi Paul

On 20-Nov-99 you wrote,

> Hello Again,
> Is it just me whos system is falling apart or is anyone
> else having trouble writing to afb with Yam.
> I keep getting told that the server is not recognising the address and
> that I should check for invalid characters.
> I am having to use MD-II to write to afb and last week when I last
> used it Yam was fine both ways. Anyone care to speculate.

Have you recently changed ISP?  I'm sure I got that error message when I tried
to upload mail to AbelGratis whilst online with Freeserve.

Gaz, hoping his missus doesn't see that tagline :)
Love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener. 

Message 37518

From :Gary Clement <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Crashes
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 17:06:55 +0100
Hi Matthew

On 21-Nov-99 you wrote,

> Occasionaly the mouse pointer will suddenly freeze for no apparant reason.
> Anyone got any ideas what might be causing these lock-ups? Could it be MCP?
> I haven't got many other things running and I've heard that MCP is supposed
> to be dodgy.
> Also, when booting up into DOpus WBR, sometimes it will just crash with a
> totally blank (whitish grey) screen and 'Workbench Screen' in the title bar.
> Other times it will display the "Opus 5 Loading...please wait" requester
> thing like its supposed to and load fine, but the mouse pointer will stay on
> 'busy'. I can carry on doing things though. Does the 5.81(?) patch cure
> this?

If you have a button bank, with a background image, open on boot-up it will
cause your machine to hang.  The 5.81 patch does fix that.  I don't use MCP
so I can't help there... sorry.

I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn looks good.

Message 37519

From :Alkis Tsapanidis <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital Corruption
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 23:31:03 +0300
Hi Neil
I didn't know that!how do you want me to know that as i don't use
their software-my friends do BUT all of them (as I did)have or ordered
> What about the trojan in datatypes.library? Or are you and DC still
> trustworthy because that was a trojan and not technically a backdoor?

Amiga RULEZ in Greece TOO!!

Message 37520

From :"Robert Smith" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Which Graphics software ?
Date: 21 Nov 99 21:56:10 +0000
> Does anyone know of a reasonable graphics package that can handle
> JPEGs ?
> I intend to get a colour inkjet printer (
  HI Again The printer I have just bought from Macro is the 660 for =A3105 =
inclucive of VAT=2E
  The 760 is =A3139 plus VAT=2EThe need is for Turboprint Which works for b=
oth printers using the 640 or 740 drivers until the drivers are updated

> AFB: All polls MUST have dates!
> -- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar!
> -- http://www=2Eegroups=2Ecom/cal?listname=3Dafb&m=3D1

                               Best Regards,
                               East Yorkshire=2E


Message 37521

From :Ben Chapman <>
Subject: [afb] Heys
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 22:17:55 +0100
Hi people,

I'm Ben and i've just joined this list. Just thought the best way to send my
first message would be to introduce myself.

I'm in the Uk and use a PPC A1200T which at the moment crashes
spectacularly. :)

I've owned Amiga's since 1986 and currently have a collection of 10. If
anyone wants to contact me about anything, feel free.

Speak to you all soon.

Best regards

Ben Chapman

Message 37522

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 15:30:57 -0000
> I'm Ben and i've just joined this list. Just thought the best way to send my
> first message would be to introduce myself.

Welcome :) I haven't welcomed a new member in a while. 

> Speak to you all soon.

I find myself with less and less time available for afb :((

Anyway, welcome once again :)

 Neil -  -
 I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

Message 37523

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Motherboards and ROMs (was Flakey multiview?)
Date: 21 Nov 99 20:40:06 +0000
The name's Fairhurst, Kevin Fairhurst, licence to email=2E

> > > Don't blame the technicians - the standard method is to replace the
> > > motherboard and then fix the old one at leisure =2E=2E=2E
> > You're saying it's not their fault they took out a perfectly good one
> > (which admittedly was broken ;)) and replaced it with a 1d4? No,
> > methinks=2E
> If they didn't know that there was a fault with it, can you blame them?=

I would expect commercial "fixer-people" of Amigas to know about
potential problems with motherboards=2E

> And how do you know that the well-documented fix for 1D4
> motherboards hasn't already been performed on yours by said
> technicians?

I don't=2E Anyone want to tell me how to check?
I reckon it hasn't been done though, because my accelerator is a bit

[changing sigs]

> > Come to think of it, I've been getting a bit slack on afb-ot=2E Time
> > to think of some new ones=2E

> Well it isn't that confusing, unless you go really mad with it=2E  And
> do you really plan them in advance and not just make it all up as
> you go along?

I make them up spontaneously usually, but with only ~15 regular
posters on afb-ot it gets hard - there are limits to how you can
change the name "Martin" you know ;)

> touch=E9 turtle

> Weird bloke

Paul C, tell me why
=2E=2E=2E 1)  Problem: "Left inside main tire almost needs replacement=2E"
       Solution: "Almost replaced left inside main tire=2E"
    2)  Problem: "Test flight OK, except autoland very rough=2E"
       Solution: "Autoland not installed on this aircraft=2E"
    3)  Problem: "Evidence of hydraulic leak on right main landing gear=2E"
       Solution: "Evidence removed=2E"

Message 37524

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Lloyds TSB online banking
Date: 21 Nov 99 20:54:52 +0000
Hi all,

This is going to be brief 'cos I already typed it once and MD crashed.

Has anyone got Lloyds TSB online banking working on their Amiga?

I got the terms and conditions in the post, and one is that your
system is compatible with "System Software" they send you. Is this
just a rudimentary TCP stack/browser, or some integral part of the

I'll probably go ahead anyway seeing as they can't expect me to meet
requirements they don't specify, but I just wanted to check I'm not
wasting my time.


Paul C, no random tagline

Message 37525

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke)
Date: 21 Nov 99 22:42:19 +0000
Neil Bothwick reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke), but there's more to it than that.

> > Only for brief periods though. I thought PFS was only apparently
> > faster when used a lot, like a 16x CD drive isn't 16x except in big
> > transfers.
> Quite the opposite. It's particularly fast at things like directory
> scanning. Anything involving lots of smaller files, such as a fonts
> directory, or an email one, gains more than usual.

Oh, alright :)

> > And insurance costs money. There is, at the moment, nothing I can do
> > to make a backup.
> But insurance costs a lot less than the value of the items being
> insured... usually.

It depends what you mean by 'value'. I value my work as in "I'd rather
not/wouldn't be able to replace it all" so the stuff itself could
potentially be replaced for free (most of it). A backup (insurance)
costs money.

> > So, Neil, when are you going to let me borrow you CD writer and
> > your best Amiga equipment you've got so I can decide whether I
> > should get the same? ;)

> Tell you what, I'll write a review and you can read and decide :)

That'll do :) At least then we'll
a) have a bigger AF (unless you're going to release a special mag?)
b) finally know what equipment you've got apart from that A500 ;)

> Neil

Paul C, dancing in the street
... I had a girlfriend once... She was a singer... She sung on the radio...
    Every time she went under a bridge you couldn't hear her sing.

Message 37526

From :"Philip Meason" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Lloyds TSB online banking
Date: 21 Nov 99 22:41:07 +0000
> Has anyone got Lloyds TSB online banking working on their Amiga?
> I got the terms and conditions in the post, and one is that your
> system is compatible with "System Software" they send you. Is this
> just a rudimentary TCP stack/browser, or some integral part of the
> service?
> I'll probably go ahead anyway seeing as they can't expect me to meet
> requirements they don't specify, but I just wanted to check I'm not
> wasting my time.

Good  question.  I have got that far and was wondering if I am gonna
end up in trouble.  I am also alittle worried over security, but I
gues they are going to be pretty safe huh?
ICQ # 32585248
 Amiga Computers

Message 37527

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: 21 Nov 99 22:46:50 +0000
On Sun Nov 21, Ben Chapman was heard muttering:

> Hi people,


> I'm Ben and i've just joined this list. Just thought the best way to send my
> first message would be to introduce myself.

Welcome to ay-eff-bee. I'll say it because all the AF staff seem to
disappear at the weekends and because I'm nicer than Neil Bullock, who
also said hello ;)
> I'm in the Uk and use a PPC A1200T which at the moment crashes
> spectacularly. :)

Hey, Neil, a contender for the best crashes on an A1200. Maybe you two
should have a competition?

> Ben Chapman

Paul C, for today only
... Knowledge, n:
    Things you believe.

Message 37528

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 16:00:17 -0000
> > I'm Ben and i've just joined this list. Just thought the best way to send
> > first message would be to introduce myself.
> Welcome to ay-eff-bee. I'll say it because all the AF staff seem to
> disappear at the weekends and because I'm nicer than Neil Bullock, who
> also said hello ;)

You're EVIL :) Oh no... that's Mr. Drummon... er... well, you're not nicer
than me at all :)

> Hey, Neil, a contender for the best crashes on an A1200. Maybe you two
> should have a competition?

Nah, he'd win at the moment :)

 Neil -  -
 Please let me know when something normal occurs...

Message 37529

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Lloyds TSB online banking
Date: 21 Nov 99 23:03:19 +0000
What are you on about, Philip Meason?
> > I got the terms and conditions in the post, and one is that your
> > system is compatible with "System Software" they send you=2E Is this
> > just a rudimentary TCP stack/browser, or some integral part of the
> > service?

> Good  question=2E=20

/me looks smug, not really knowing why ;)

> I have got that far and was wondering if I am gonna
> end up in trouble=2E

I don't think (you/we)'ll get in trouble=2E Like I said, they don't
actually state any system requirements on their terms and conditions,
so if we can't use it then it's not our fault - just claim you
expected to be able to use it=2E
If it won't work, just say "oh, it looks like I won't be able to use
the service after all" and they'll cancel it probly=2E
I was just hoping someone could give me a positive reply before I
bother signing=2E

>  I am also alittle worried over security, but I  gues they are going
> to be pretty safe huh?

Well I've used my Egg account using Voyager=B3pre5 quite confidently as
it uses SSL=2E I assume Lloyds will be similar=2E

> Peace

Why thankyou :)

> Zanthras aka Philip with one 'p'

Paul C, aha
=2E=2E=2E "Music is the space between the notes=2E"
    --Claude Debussy

Message 37530

From :Ben Chapman <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 23:08:17 +0100
Hi Paul

> Welcome to ay-eff-bee. I'll say it because all the AF staff seem to
> disappear at the weekends and because I'm nicer than Neil Bullock, who
> also said hello ;)

Actually, it was brilliantly stable until 2 weeks ago, when we had a power
cut while the amiga was cheerfully re-orging my games partition. Obviously,
i don't need to tell you that games aren't very abundant on my hd at the
moment because of it.

Thing is, it never touched my system partition, but since the problem, a lot
of things have begun to get worse. PPC proggies no longer work as they
should, the computer hangs while swapping screenmodes, AmigaAMP crashes
horribly while opening other programs whilst playing (leaving a horrible
buzzing in your ears as ahi jams the sound) and the whole system seems much
slower than before. 

I reformatted sys, and reinstalled wb, backing up my entire wb partition to
an archive before starting. the crashes still happened.

There are a number of reasons i think are the cause, the lack of 3.1 roms
being the major contender. Others being software conflicts, maybe older
versions of libraries that have been installed since the crash.  

i just wish the power hadn't have gone off... it was all working soooo well
before that. Oh well....

> Hey, Neil, a contender for the best crashes on an A1200. Maybe you two
> should have a competition?

Hehe, sure, mine on average crashes about 10-20 times a day now that i have
probs (constantly working on it and it's always on, but turned off on some 

Back to the old "sitting there starting from scratch" thing i think

Best Regards

Ben Chapman

Message 37531

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: 21 Nov 99 23:15:37 +0000
According to Ben, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Heys.

> > Welcome to ay-eff-bee. I'll say it because all the AF staff seem to
> > disappear at the weekends and because I'm nicer than Neil Bullock, who
> > also said hello ;)
> Actually, it was brilliantly stable until 2 weeks ago, when we had a power
> cut while the amiga was cheerfully re-orging my games partition. Obviously,
> i don't need to tell you that games aren't very abundant on my hd at the
> moment because of it.

Similar thing happened to me. Dodgy installer messed up entire HD and
I still haven't replaced most of the stuff.

> i just wish the power hadn't have gone off... it was all working
> soooo well before that. Oh well....

Ah well, at least you've got a decent excuse for an unstable computer.
Neil just likes writing dodgy programs ;)

> Hehe, sure, mine on average crashes about 10-20 times a day now that
> i have probs (constantly working on it and it's always on, but
> turned off on some nights)

Eh?! Blimey!  Mine does it less than once a day now - nice and stable.

> Ben Chapman

Paul C, with 1h:05 till Buffy
... "OK Mom, I'm going to hypnotize you now," said Tom transparently.

Message 37532

From :Ben Chapman <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 23:27:30 +0100
Hello Paul

> Similar thing happened to me. Dodgy installer messed up entire HD and
> I still haven't replaced most of the stuff.

Yeah.. i know that feeling 

> Ah well, at least you've got a decent excuse for an unstable computer.
> Neil just likes writing dodgy programs ;)


> Eh?! Blimey!  Mine does it less than once a day now - nice and stable.

That'd what mine used to be like... wouldn't crash for days, and if it did
crah, it would be because of something obvious (starting a powerup proggie
while the ppc.lib was disabled for example).

Don't get me wrong, it only crashes that much because i /always/ use it, and
it crashes mostly while swapping screenmodes. So, for example, load
diskmaster = crash. reboot. Works for however long (loading diskmaster fine)
then load something else = crash. It's completely random, but if i load wb
and leave it, it will never crash. It's only when i try to open things or do
things. Even then it's random.... completely baffling.

It's a good thing i run RC5 for ppc.... gives me an excuse to leave it on
all day. :-)

Best Regards

Ben Chapman

Message 37533

From :Mike Quinlan <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 060/3.5 problems
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 18:29:30 -0500
Message text written by
>> It works, but I have other problems with my 060.

What sort of problems? I probably can't help, but there are brains on thi=
list who probably can.<

Hi Jonny,

my 060 appears to have random crashes.

It will get a requester, program xxxxxxxx failed, suspend/reboot etc.

The program can be anything, multiview, copy, format, avail, etc. I canno=
usually suspend or reboot from the on screen requester, I have to do a
three fingured salute. Sometimes it will do a full reset.

When the GVP was in the tower with the Picasso II, the Picasso would not
reset. I would be left with the last screen before reset. Again the three=


The GVP currently reside in a 2000 DT with a 200M HD and quad CDRom and 4=
fastram. I leave it with the blanker running and it will freeze, sometime=
resets, most times not.

I have tried it without memory, same problem.

I did have a 4.5G HD on it, but it caused invalidations when browsing and=

it crashed.

Any suggestions?


Mike Q. =

Message 37534

From :Mike Quinlan <>
Subject: [afb] Viper
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 18:29:32 -0500
My son has a viper 520. It has 3.0 roms on board. we thought it would be
great to get 3.1 roms for it and install OS3.5.

Well we can't. The roms are soldered in, I cannot believe it. Why didn't
they put 3.1 on instead.


Message 37535

From :"Jonathan Duncombe" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 23:38:21 -0000
> Hehe, sure, mine on average crashes about 10-20 times a day now that i have
> probs (constantly working on it and it's always on, but turned off on some
> nights)
> Back to the old "sitting there starting from scratch" thing i think

Oh goody :), a mine crashes more than your`s compo, can anybody join in :P

I installed OS3.5 three days ago and it crashes everytime time i open an app
with a GUI :((. (i didn`t know regular resets where part of the new OS :))))


<Gkar looking at a picture of Daffy Duck>
   Is that one of your household God`s.
<Zak Allen>
   You could say he`s the god of eternal fustration (could be New Amiga Logo :)

Message 37536

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Golem
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 23:32:53 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> I remember seeing that at World of Amiga one year....worked fast on an
> standard
> A1200...blimey!
> =

> I hope this is will be a shame if it isn't!

   Nah, it looks too much like being one of those cruddy gameplay-less in=
teractive movies.  Hopefully I'll be wrong.... (if it is ever released...=

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
The youngest pope was 11 years old.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 37537

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: 21 Nov 99 23:46:20 +0000
Jonathan Duncombe reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: Heys, but there's more to it than that.

> > Hehe, sure, mine on average crashes about 10-20 times a day

> Oh goody :), a mine crashes more than your`s compo, can anybody join in :P

You'll have to find your own category. Ben wins on quantity, Neil
wins on quality (spectacular ones). What's so special about /your/

> Regards
>        Jon

Paul C, endlessly
... Electrical Engineers DO IT with less resistance.

Message 37538

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 16:53:17 -0000
> > Oh goody :), a mine crashes more than your`s compo, can anybody join in :P
> You'll have to find your own category. Ben wins on quantity, Neil
> wins on quality (spectacular ones). What's so special about /your/
> crashes?

I bet I could win the quantity category as well, with a bit of effort :) How
about the most damage caused by crashes as another category? :)

 Neil -  -
 On the other hand, you have different fingers.

Message 37539

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital Corruption
Date: 21 Nov 1999 23:47:23 +0000
Alkis Tsapanidis said, 

> Hi Neil
> I didn't know that!how do you want me to know that as i don't use
> their software-

So what qualifies you to make statements like "They don't put any
backdoors in their cracked software-trust me" then?

> my friends do BUT all of them (as I did)have or ordered
> 3.5

Buying one piece of software doesn't justify running cracked copies of
another dozen packages.

>> What about the trojan in datatypes.library? Or are you and DC still
>> trustworthy because that was a trojan and not technically a backdoor?

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I've got the taglines if you've got the time!

Message 37540

From :"Mark" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Lloyds TSB online banking
Date: 22 Nov 99 00:11:26 +0000
Hi Paul,

> This is going to be brief 'cos I already typed it once and MD crashed.
> Has anyone got Lloyds TSB online banking working on their Amiga?

Yep. I have it working on V3pre5.


Message 37541

Subject: [afb] Re: Harddrive Problem
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 16:12:32 -0800
> > You may have a 2.5" HD is almost certainly an IDE drive and you
>     There's nothing wrong with doing a lowlevel format of an IDE
drive, but
> you really must use the manufacture's software, which will know about
> intricacies of the drive.  People have been known to get away with
> 3rd party software, but might have wiped some important setup info on
> drive.

Er, but how many drive manufacturers make Low Level Format software for
the Amiga ?
 Only hope for this drive is to take it to a friendly PC shop cos they
normally have such programs in their workshop/backroom. 

Message 37542

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Lloyds TSB online banking
Date: 22 Nov 99 00:15:39 +0000
Some guy around here has been mumbling again. Apparently he goes
by the name of Mark.

> > This is going to be brief 'cos I already typed it once and MD crashed.
> > Has anyone got Lloyds TSB online banking working on their Amiga?
> Yep. I have it working on V3pre5.

Great, thanks. I'll phone 'em later.

> MO 

Paul C, wot? Like the footballer?
... Tact, n:
    The unsaid part of what you're thinking.

Message 37543

From :"Jonathan Duncombe" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 00:30:08 -0000
> > Hehe, sure, mine on average crashes about 10-20 times a day
> > Oh goody :), a mine crashes more than your`s compo, can anybody join in :P
> You'll have to find your own category. Ben wins on quantity, Neil
> wins on quality (spectacular ones). What's so special about /your/
> crashes?

It`s the length (of them) that counts :)

Message 37544

From :"c.brite" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 probs
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 03:04:39 -0800

Message 37545

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Which Graphics software ?
Date: 22 Nov 99 18:27:01 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Darren <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  21-Nov-99 23:20:05
About:  [afb] Which Graphics software ?

Hi Darren,

> Does anyone know of a reasonable graphics package that can handle
> JPEGs ?

Photogenics, it handles JPEGs, and others swear by it, if you can figure
out how to use it (all I can manage is resizing JPEGs with it).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 37546

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Motherboards and ROMs (was Flakey multiview?)
Date: 22 Nov 99 08:11:23 +0000
On 21 Nov 99 20:40:06 +0000, Paul Cundle ( wrote:
> The name's Fairhurst, Kevin Fairhurst, licence to email.

I like it (ie I might nick it ;-)

> > > > Don't blame the technicians - the standard method is to replace the
> > > > motherboard and then fix the old one at leisure ...
> > > You're saying it's not their fault they took out a perfectly good one
> > > (which admittedly was broken ;)) and replaced it with a 1d4? No,
> > > methinks.
> > If they didn't know that there was a fault with it, can you blame them? 
> I would expect commercial "fixer-people" of Amigas to know about
> potential problems with motherboards.

Erm, maybe they just replaced the motherboards and shipped the faulty ones
off to C+ or Escom or whoever held the keys that week.  I don't know!
> > And how do you know that the well-documented fix for 1D4
> > motherboards hasn't already been performed on yours by said
> > technicians?
> I don't. Anyone want to tell me how to check?
> I reckon it hasn't been done though, because my accelerator is a bit
> odd.

I honestly don't know how you would check, sorry!  Why not look at the
A1200 hardware guide on aminet that tells you what to do, and look at your
m/b to se if it has been done!
> [changing sigs]
> > > Come to think of it, I've been getting a bit slack on afb-ot. Time
> > > to think of some new ones.
> > Well it isn't that confusing, unless you go really mad with it.  And
> > do you really plan them in advance and not just make it all up as
> > you go along?
> I make them up spontaneously usually, but with only ~15 regular
> posters on afb-ot it gets hard - there are limits to how you can
> change the name "Martin" you know ;)

Especially if you don't want to stoop to bottom levels of vulgarity ...
> Paul C, like Brundel fly


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37547

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Late OS3.5 wishlist
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:04:18 -0000
> Hello,
> I know I'm kinda late with this & I'm not sure if it's been 
> mentioned, (as I can't remember the URL for the wishlist ;-) )

> Now that OS3.5 includes net connectivity, I'd like to see a 
> utility similar to Go!Zilla on the wintel.....if, while
> downloading you lose the connection, you can start downloading
> again where you left  off, instead of having to start over
> again.  Certainly would be useful, when with 500k to go and
> your Amiga crashes when d/ling a 5Mb file.

Voyager 3.0.37, IBrowse 2.1, GoFetch! 

All do the same job, all downloadable from Aminet and most
probably on last months AFCD.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37548

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: P96 2.0 and CGX 4.2 head2head
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:15:53 -0000
> Hello M.
> On 19-Nov-99, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > In fact, this is what I really need to know - is Picasso96
> > faster than CGX enough to make using cybergraphics.library
> > emulation calls equivalent in speed? Or faster?
> The makers of P96 have said time and time again that 
> stability is more important than speed, take your pick

So is it actually more stable for all it's slowness?

See, I can't find these things out, and neither can most
people either. Which one is good for which things?

we need to know!?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37549

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Boxer & G4
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:17:48 -0000
> Hi People,
> Will the proposed G4 accelerator from Phase 5 be compatible 
> with the Boxer motherboard?


> (If not, given that Mike Tinker and Phase 5 have had previous 
> discussions, is it likely that they would make a reworked version?)



> If it is then my new machine which I am planning will be 
> Boxer-based with a G4 processor...

There will be a BoXeR G4 card, but it won't be phase5's generic
A4000/A1200 offering.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37550

From :"Richard Tapp" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: epson stylus 460 drivers for amiga
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 01:34:40 -0800
The 440 driver works fine... But how about making the printed output
lighter?  I tried reducing the threshold in printergfx prefs from 7 to
4 and it still has very dark output.  Do I need to put ot allt he way
down to 1 or change the brightness setting of the actual picture file?!


"robert smith" <> wrote: 
original article:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I've just bought the abovementioned printer with the hope that the
> > 400/440 driver (from Aminet) will drive it and the software inside
> > printer hasn't changed too much since the 440 version...  I did want
> > the 440 but they said they've stopped production of them.  I'm sure
> > was only a couple of months since I saw one in their shop!?
> > 
> > I have just changed to a 660 and it works fine using the 640 driver
with turboprint
> > 
> > 

Message 37551

From :"Bill" <>
Subject: [afb] Cannot soft reboot
Date: 22 Nov 99 10:36:45 +0000
Hi Everyone,

Can anyone advise on the following?

My brother-in-law has an Amiga A1200 rev:id.1.

It will only reboot on a hard reset.  It seems that the hard drive is
non-existant on a soft reset as all that comes up is the "put in disk"

Inserting the Workbench disk and attempting a soft reboot only shows the 
disk icon and Ram:. again determining the hard drive is not recognised.

The cable from the 3.5" HD to the motherboard has the 1st. line cut.
He has just purchased a new accel board but cannot determine if this is a cause
as the Amiga A1200 (s/h) is also a current purchase. The HDrive and his
previous accell board (board now defunct) worked OK on his previous A1200 (now



Message 37552

From :"Chris Tennant" <>
Subject: [afb] Paxman
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 02:55:26 -0800
Just wanted to post a message agreeing with Richard Drummand
on this moths CD. The interview were Paxman was interviewing Bill Gates
was the most pathetic effort at an interview 
I have ever seen in my life.
Surely it can`t of been the same Paxman we all know. If it is I think
he should stick to 
polatics. Our mam summed it up best my commiting, dosent he seem like a
really nice guy 
(Gates that is). 
This summed the interview up. It might as well of being a party
politcal broadcast by the 
Microsoft Party. He seemed to make out that he was responsable for
everything that is 
good about IT at the moment.

Wether it was down to Paxman, or if he was banned from asking proper 
questions who knows. But as it was it was pointless 
even doing the interview.


Message 37553

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout sales target?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:52:56 +0000
Hi Matthew,

> Hey Ben!, how about getting a wet towel onto P5's arses and get them to
> bundle 2097 with the Gx boards? they screwed up royally before by not
> doing a quake deal, please don't let them give up a great chance like
> this!!

What gfx boards? Anyone here been waiting for months for their BV/CVPPC?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Member, National Association For Tagline Assimilators

Message 37554

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: USB wanted!
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:57:12 +0000

> Hi, I realised the other day that USB may be a very handy thing to have
> on my A 4000. The only USB controller I`ve heard of is the possible add
> on for the new G4 cards, but I couldn`t afford it unless I won the
> lottery! Has anyone heard any rumours of a possible Zorro based USB
> card?
>  That is, if it would even be workable..I know on PC`s that USB
> swallows a hell of a lot of CPU time (not sure about the Mac
> implementation)..if so would an 040 powered Amiga even be upto the job?

There are two USB solutions in progress AFAIK right now, but not even the
hardware is trivial and then you have the software...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
If you're not part of the solution,
you're part of the precipitate.

Message 37555

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: P96 2.0 and CGX 4.2 head2head
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:00:48 +0000
Hi M.,

> Picasso96 is generally regarded as the slow retarded one, with
> less support for cards. With 2.0 out, this looks to change.

Nope. P96 is the more system legal one that doesn't implement hacks to work
around problems. The reason that P96 is slower in places is that it does
them in a more system-legal way...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 37556

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader interaction with AF
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:08:03 +0000
Hi Daniel,

>> Wassup? Why is no-one sending us reader reviews; 

> I'll do an NC3 review if you want. When it gets delivered, that is :/

Erm, why not do a reader review on something you actually have and have been
using for some time - then you'll have a better idea of its capabilities...

>> AFCD surveys; 

> Urrrm... do you still do those? I've never really paid attention to it.

Yesss. If there's something you don't like about the CD, or something you do
like, you should tell us about it so we can act upon your suggestions (not
just yours mind, everyone's).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Follow your dream! Unless it's the one where you're on
a plane, with a bomb, demanding to be taken to Luton.

Message 37557

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: P96 2.0 and CGX 4.2 head2head
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:30:04 -0000
> Hi M.,
> > Picasso96 is generally regarded as the slow retarded one, with
> > less support for cards. With 2.0 out, this looks to change.
> Nope. P96 is the more system legal one that doesn't implement 
> hacks to work around problems. The reason that P96 is slower
> in places is that it does them in a more system-legal way...

I know, and I didn't say it wasn't :)

Picasso96 *is* generally regarded as the slow retarded one.
Whether it's true or not is debatable - it obviously isn't

But how many people know? And just at what price does system
legal operation come at?

All would be answered in an in-depth review..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37558

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Database programs?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:15:13 +0000 (GMT)
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Andrew McCombe wrote:

> I suddenly have a need for a good database program.
> What is available for Amiga? I need to cross reference a number of fields in
> one go.  I'm using Superbase (from CU) atm, but was wondering if there was
> anything else.



Message 37559

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Late OS3.5 wishlist
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:13:27 +0000 (GMT)
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, chris wrote:

> Now that OS3.5 includes net connectivity, I'd like to see a utility similar
> to Go!Zilla on the wintel.....if, while downloading you lose the
> connection, you can start downloading again where you left off, instead of
> having to start over again.  Certainly would be useful, when 
> with 500k to go and your Amiga crashes when d/ling a 5Mb file.

thats funny. such a program appeared on aminet just 2 weeks ago
(even with a very similar name!)


Message 37560

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout sales target?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:12:27 +0000 (GMT)

> are these PoP boxes the linux ppc things which have been released for free
> or something else?

umm, sort of. they arent free. the design is royalty free (the full
specs can be downloaded and used by anyone).

anyone that good at electronics? ;-)

Some big Motherboard makers are seriously considering making these


Message 37561

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:36:12 +0000 (GMT)
On 21 Nov 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> > And don't say borrow someone elses because I don't know anyone with a
> > zip drive or a CD writer.
> Of course you do, lots of people on here have them :)

yes, i have a CD-Writer and would back up anyones HD in the Brighton(UK)
area if they wanted to.


Message 37562

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP; OS3.5 and NI
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:16:09 +0000 (GMT)
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Maarten Draijer wrote:

> After installing 3.5 I can#t see my NI-icons from within progs like
> Opus4 or
> Startmenu. I disabled NI in my User-startup.
> Has it got anything to do with the new icon-lib.

theres a new DOpusII patch for the new OS3.5 icon library (old news)


Message 37563

From :Errol <>
Subject: [afb] Your website on AFCD49
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:26:39 +0100
Hi Guys,

If you would like to have your website included (or updated) on Amiga
Format magazine's CD #49, (issue 133, February 2000), could you please
upload your archived website site to:


The ABSOLUTE deadline is *Thursday 2nd December* but, we would appreciate
it if you could upload your site sooner. Any websites arriving after the
deadline will not be updated. Please prefix your archive with "AF_"
for example: AF_MyWWWSite.lha.


                            Important Notes:

1. We have now re-designed the layout of the "Essential Websites" page on
   the Amiga Format CD and it now includes a hyperlink to your wesite on
   the net allowing Amiga users who have access to the internet to visit
   your wesite directly. We now also require the complete URL to your
   website and this should be contained in a text file called "URL.txt"
   within your archive.

2. Due to space restrictions, websites are now updated on *every CD* basis
   so, if you don't update your website you'll probably find your website
   won't be included on the Amiga Format CD!

3. We make every possible effort to include your website on the Amiga
   Format CD-ROM. However, due to space restrictions, we are sometimes
   forced to make space for alternative data. For this reason we are
   unable to offer any firm guarantees that your website will be included.

4. Some of you have been sending your updated websites to the Future server
   several times over the course of a particular month. In the future could
   you please refrain from doing this. One update per month is fine! ;-)

5. If you have any problems uploading your files to the Future server,
   please email: to let them know!


If your company has any demo programs (utilities or games) that you would
also like to have included on the CD, please email me as soon as possible
with details and approximate byte sizes.

best regards,

 Developing award-winning CD-ROMS for the Amiga & PC
     CD-ROM compilers for Amiga Format magazine
Suppliers of high quality compatible Inkjet Cartridges

8 Edith Road, Clacton, Essex. CO15 1JU  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1255 431389        Fax: +44 (0)1255 431696
       ---- ----

Message 37564

From :James Luscombe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Lloyds TSB online banking
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:03:29 +0100
Hello Paul

On 21-Nov-99, Paul Cundle wrote:
> Has anyone got Lloyds TSB online banking working on their Amiga?

Yep, I use it all the time with IB2.1, no problems except that sometimes some
images don't load up.

> I got the terms and conditions in the post, and one is that your
> system is compatible with "System Software" they send you. Is this
> just a rudimentary TCP stack/browser, or some integral part of the
> service?

Hm, don't remember anything about this.

> I'll probably go ahead anyway seeing as they can't expect me to meet
> requirements they don't specify, but I just wanted to check I'm not
> wasting my time.

Nah, just go ahead.

 James Luscombe                   Amiga 3000T, 604e/200 060/50, Picasso IV         Amiga 1200, 040/40

 ARC.angel says "zip.itup"

Message 37565

From :"Bill" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cannot soft reboot
Date: 22 Nov 99 12:11:17 +0000
 Hi Everyone,

Re the subject:

I forgot to add, he has the 3.1 roms and software installed.

Also, booting up with both mouse buttons held down only shows df0 and cc0 as
bootable options!



Message 37566

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cannot soft reboot
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:23:57 -0000
> Hi Everyone,
> Re the subject:
> I forgot to add, he has the 3.1 roms and software installed.
> Also, booting up with both mouse buttons held down only shows 
> df0 and cc0 as bootable options!


Buy a new IDE cable for the drive. Get your old one, and cut
the red line (THE RED LINE! LINE 1!) and see if that helps.

If not, put the new cable on and throw the old, mutilated
one away.


Message 37567

Subject: [afb] WipeOut's Performance
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 05:31:19 -0800

I've not been around to notice what has been going on AFB recently, so
I do apologise if this is old ground. :(

Simple questions:

A.) Does WipeOut 2097 (Amiga) run on 68K CPUs as well as PPC?
B.) If yes, would performance be good on a 68040/40MHz (full 040) with
32Mb RAM on the Pixel 64 Gfx. Card running Picasso '96 2.0 as its RTG
system? (It's an A1200)  What FPS on 320x240?




Message 37568

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: WipeOut's Performance
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:33:45 -0000
> Simple questions:
> A.) Does WipeOut 2097 (Amiga) run on 68K CPUs as well as PPC?



> B.) If yes, would performance be good on a 68040/40MHz (full 040)


Not in your wildest dreams.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37569

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: WipeOut's Performance
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:32:04 +0000

> A.) Does WipeOut 2097 (Amiga) run on 68K CPUs as well as PPC?


> B.) If yes, would performance be good on a 68040/40MHz (full 040) with
> 32Mb RAM on the Pixel 64 Gfx. Card running Picasso '96 2.0 as its RTG
> system? (It's an A1200)  What FPS on 320x240?


All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: bad ether in the cables

Message 37570

Subject: [afb] Re: WipeOut's Performance
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 05:40:07 -0800

> > 
> > A.) Does WipeOut 2097 (Amiga) run on 68K CPUs as well as PPC?
> duuuuh! 
> No.

I did say I've been away! :)
> > B.) If yes, would performance be good on a 68040/40MHz (full 040)
> duuuuuuuuuuuh!
> Not in your wildest dreams.

Wishful think me thinks! :)  Well, I suppose I'd better buy that G4
then!  But maybe then thats is also in my wildest dreams!

> Matt Sealey 
> Distributed Systems Support
> Computer Centre
> University of Leicester

Nick Lamburn
Dopey Student
Study Centre
North Devon College :)

(Sorry, couldn't help doing that!  :)  no offense is meant at all!)

Message 37571

From :"Jeff Jeffery" <>
Subject: [afb] INIT String for Hayes Optima 336 Voice&Fax
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 05:42:00 -0800
Does anyone have a manual to this modem so I can get the INIT string
set up correctly in Miami?

My old settings for my Accura 288 don't work with the Optima:

The exit string is ATS=0 &F BTW.

Thanks in advance all...


Message 37572

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cannot soft reboot
Date: 22 Nov 99 13:42:23 +0000
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:23:57 -0000, Sealey, M. ( wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > 
> > Re the subject:
> > 
> > I forgot to add, he has the 3.1 roms and software installed.
> > 
> > Also, booting up with both mouse buttons held down only shows 
> > df0 and cc0 as bootable options!
> Easy.
> Buy a new IDE cable for the drive. Get your old one, and cut
> the red line (THE RED LINE! LINE 1!) and see if that helps.
> If not, put the new cable on and throw the old, mutilated
> one away.

You haven't been paying attention, have you Sealey?  He's already done that
to his current cable!  I doubt it's causing the problem.

IMO I think it is cos of the drive.  Is there anything else on the same
chain?  I've got a grumpy IDE cd drive, and if I reset via software, it
goes awol, taking my hard drive with it.  If I hard reset with the
keyboard, it stays!  This is annoying when you've got things like LoadIDE
and the new Setpatch in the startup.

If you try just using the hard drive on it's own, not forgetting to make
sure it is set to master without slave if required, tell us what happens 


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37573

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: INIT String for Hayes Optima 336 Voice&Fax
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:46:04 -0000
> Does anyone have a manual to this modem so I can get the INIT string
> set up correctly in Miami?
> My old settings for my Accura 288 don't work with the Optima:
> AT&F2&K3&C1&D0\r
> The exit string is ATS=0 &F BTW.

Try init AT&F\r

and nothing for the exit.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37574

From :Ben Chapman <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout sales target?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:04:18 +0100
Hello Ben

> What gfx boards? Anyone here been waiting for months for their BV/CVPPC?

Yeah me... been waiting around 8 months, so in the end i got a second hand
one (BV) :)

I e-mailed P5 and they said that P5 are no longer making the BVision, and
that a company in Germany has took it over. i couldn't find /anything/ about
this company at all (webpage, nothing)..... figures

Cool name by the way..... hehe

Best Regards

Ben Chapman

Message 37575

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader interaction with AF
Date: 22 Nov 99 15:14:51 +0000
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:08:03 +0000, Ben Vost wibbled...

> > I'll do an NC3 review if you want. When it gets delivered, that is :/
> Erm, why not do a reader review on something you actually have and have been
> using for some time 

There's nothing much I do use for long periods of time; NC is pretty
much the only piece of software I have that is in regular use. I suppose
I could do one for NC2 though.

> Yesss. If there's something you don't like about the CD, or something you do
> like, you should tell us about it so we can act upon your suggestions (not
> just yours mind, everyone's).

What? So mine aren't important enough? :)
------------------------- ===== The Wibble ===== -------------------------
 This week's new words come from Jacqui Krapotkin's Soapwatch, along with
   news from Alan Pie and poetry in Kiddies Corner. "It's really great"
------- --- -------

Message 37576

Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout sales target?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 07:31:42 -0800
> What gfx boards? Anyone here been waiting for months for their


Fortune favours the bold.
Visit the Amipal website:

Message 37577

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader interaction with AF
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:41:13 +0000
Hi Daniel,

>>> I'll do an NC3 review if you want. When it gets delivered, that is :/
>> Erm, why not do a reader review on something you actually have and have
>> been using for some time

> There's nothing much I do use for long periods of time; NC is pretty
> much the only piece of software I have that is in regular use. I suppose
> I could do one for NC2 though.

I don't want you to review something you use for long periods at a time,
just one you're familiar with...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
!        This is a test of the emergency           !
!           tagline stealing system                !

Message 37578

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader interaction with AF
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:48:28 -0000
> I don't want you to review something you use for long periods 
> at a time, just one you're familiar with...

Just what HAS been reviewed so far?

It would be nice to have a comprehensive list so that we don't
just whack in a carbon copy of a previous review (So and so is

Would this be in the eGroups database? Would now be a good time
to invoke the mighty database feature? :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37579

From :Alex Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader Stuff and Mods.
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:52:59 -0800
Just a thought: can we send in mods if we can garuntee that none of the
samples have copyrights on them? Like if we've made them ourselves
(inwhich case there would be copyright, but it'd be ours to do with as
we wish) or we use Octamed's synth feature?

Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 37580

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader interaction with AF
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:53:21 +0000
Hi M.,

> Just what HAS been reviewed so far?

> It would be nice to have a comprehensive list so that we don't
> just whack in a carbon copy of a previous review (So and so is

> Would this be in the eGroups database? Would now be a good time
> to invoke the mighty database feature? :)

So many things *haven't* been reviewed it would be pretty unlucky to get
something that already has been, besides which, the more opinions the

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 37581

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader Stuff and Mods.
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:53:48 +0000
Hi Alex,

> Just a thought: can we send in mods if we can garuntee that none of the
> samples have copyrights on them? Like if we've made them ourselves
> (inwhich case there would be copyright, but it'd be ours to do with as
> we wish) or we use Octamed's synth feature?

How can you guarantee it?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want samples? Copyright free ones?

Message 37582

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:55:52 +0000
Hi all,

Well, I don't know why I was surprised. A massive total of five comments on
OS3.5 have been received by Clare, just confirming this group's apathy to
me. Since we didn't get enough gallery entries this issue to be able to
give you a spread of pictures, we need this OS3.5 comments page or we'll
just have to go with an empty left-hand page. Send in your comments now!

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: high pressure system failure

Message 37583

From :Alex Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader Stuff and Mods.
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 16:04:31 -0800
> How can you guarantee it?
Well, not garuntee exactly. But you could submit your smaples as your
own work, then if you're lying, it comes under the same.. erm... thing
as if you were lying about any other work that you submitted.

-curry, trying to learn layer in 3 easy steps.

Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 37584

Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:04:48 -0800

My comment on OS3.5

"The long awaited AmigaOS update that is worth more than its RRP!  If
you have the cash, do yourself and the Amiga a favour, this is our
stance in showing the world that there is life besides Windows and
MacOS, and if you don't upgrade this IS going to be the last AmigaOS
upgrade EVER, it's your choice...."

Hope that's ok,


Message 37585

From :" Poll Results" <>
Subject: [afb] Voting Results: FUN TIME - Should AF feature more Sexy babes on Cover?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:18:05 -0800
Here are the results of the vote:

1. Hmmmmm, SMG :P~			1
2. No, It's Sexiest			1
3. Only if it has something to do with the mag content			1
4. SMG anyone?			1
5. I couldn't care less!			2
6. You can't have SMG - she's my wife!			2
7. No, It has nothing to do with computing.			23
8. Yes please!			63

Message 37586

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] The beginning of the end?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 16:15:24 +0000 (GMT)
Hi All.

Some interesting MS stories about today . . .

Watch out Bill, Posner's on the case:

(Aside: One of best friends at university - and still in fact - studied
Jurisprudence and was a huge Posner groupie.) =

The floodgates have opened?

-- =

Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 37587

Subject: [afb] Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:41:15 -0800
FREE! Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA/AllAdvantage
Paying NOW, just to be logged on. FREE to Join!
No special start page. No special pages to visit.
No clicking or shopping required. 
FREE: Win 10 MILLION ADS for Your Web Site.
All you do is enter your e-mail address!
FREE traffic builder - when they submit for the FREE
10 Million ads they are taken instantly to your site!
Try it. It's FREE!

Message 37588

Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:44:14 -0800
"Is your Amiga Workbench feeling tired and depressed? Well, what you
need is the all *NEW* OS3.5! ! Worried that you all-important programs
will no longer work? Fret not, for OS3.5 is compatible with nearly all
Amiga applications and utilities! With new features and bug-fixes
gallore, we guarantee that Workbench will get a complete make over!"

Visit the Amipal website:

Message 37589

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA
Date: 22 Nov 99 16:49:44 +0000
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:41:15 -0800,  wibbled...

> FREE! Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA/AllAdvantage

Forwarded to; his account will be deactivated
shortly :)

------------------------- ===== The Wibble ===== -------------------------
 This week's new words come from Jacqui Krapotkin's Soapwatch, along with
   news from Alan Pie and poetry in Kiddies Corner. "It's really great"
------- --- -------

Message 37590

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:09:01 -0000
> On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:41:15 -0800,  wibbled...
> > FREE! Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA/AllAdvantage
> Forwarded to; his account will
> be deactivated shortly :)

Don't you mean

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37591

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] I-Win machines available for review
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:13:53 -0000

You up for one, Ben? :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37592

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: I-Win machines available for review
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:15:35 -0000
> machines_for_r
> eviews/test_machines_for_reviews.html
> You up for one, Ben? :)

It's these ones, by the way...
(wow, what's this neat font? Sorry, Outlook seems to have gone
loopy, and has given me a lovely font display..)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37593

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA
Date: 22 Nov 99 17:17:07 +0000
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:09:01 -0000, Sealey, M. wibbled...

> > Forwarded to; his account will
> > be deactivated shortly :)
> Don't you mean

Nope; the aol addresses are usually fake. Alladvantage is a company that
pays you for being online - they put an advert bar at the top of
Windows/Mac screens. By getting people to click on the URL he provided,
he increases his credits and earns more money. Alladvantage don't like
that, and close the accounts instantly, so any money he has accumulated
will also disappear :)
------------------------- ===== The Wibble ===== -------------------------
 This week's new words come from Jacqui Krapotkin's Soapwatch, along with
   news from Alan Pie and poetry in Kiddies Corner. "It's really great"
------- --- -------

Message 37594

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:20:11 -0000
> On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:09:01 -0000, Sealey, M. wibbled...
> > > Forwarded to; his account will
> > > be deactivated shortly :)
> >
> > Don't you mean
> Nope; the aol addresses are usually fake. Alladvantage is a 
> company thatpays you for being online - they put an advert
> bar at the top of Windows/Mac screens. By getting people to
> click on the URL he  provided, he increases his credits and
> earns more money. Alladvantage don't like that, and close
> the accounts instantly, so any money he has  accumulated
> will also disappear :)

Ah! I see. Sorry, my brain stops working at 5:00 :)

Didn't realise that AllAdvantage was a thingy like that.
Will pay attention next time.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37595

From :Jon Barker <>
Subject: [afb] Re: P96 2.0 and CGX 4.2 head2head
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:05:03 +0000
Hello M.

On 22-Nov-99, Sealey, M. wrote:
>> Hello M.
>> On 19-Nov-99, Sealey, M. wrote:
>>> In fact, this is what I really need to know - is Picasso96
>>> faster than CGX enough to make using cybergraphics.library
>>> emulation calls equivalent in speed? Or faster?
>> The makers of P96 have said time and time again that 
>> stability is more important than speed, take your pick

> So is it actually more stable for all it's slowness?

> See, I can't find these things out, and neither can most
> people either. Which one is good for which things?

> we need to know!?

    I can't really give an opinion for which one is best, I've never used
CGX and the time I tried to install it, I just couldn't get it to work as
easy as the P96 software.  Perhaps I was too P96 ingrained :-)   I really
don't think there is enough to choose between them, I think you should use
the one you like best.

    If you like the idea of dragging screens, then there is only CGX,
besides the native screens.  The P96 authors say this is a hack, and I
agree, and don't miss it.  The CGX superlayers are faster than P96, and
can't be used in P96 due to licence agreements.  This would really speed up
P96 on workbench screens, and Allan Odgaard has started a library.  There's
a layers demo on his web site, 

    Anybody know any more info?

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 37596

From :"Sam Byford" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:28:08 -0800
> Well, I don't know why I was surprised. A massive total of five
comments on
> OS3.5 have been received by Clare, just confirming this group's
apathy to
> me. Since we didn't get enough gallery entries this issue to be able
> give you a spread of pictures, we need this OS3.5 comments page or
> just have to go with an empty left-hand page. Send in your comments

I sent mine!  Pull your fingures out people.  Your Magazine Needs You!

Bifford the Youngest.

Message 37597

From :"Sam Byford" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: FUN TIME - Should AF feature more Sexy babes on Cover?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:31:56 -0800
> 1. Hmmmmm, SMG :P~			1
> 2. No, It's Sexiest			1
> 3. Only if it has something to do with the mag content			1
> 4. SMG anyone?			1
> 5. I couldn't care less!			2
> 6. You can't have SMG - she's my wife!			2
> 7. No, It has nothing to do with computing.			23
> 8. Yes please!			63

Hmm.  AF is a computer mag.  It isnt a top shelf, big knockers mag; Top
Gear car mag where they have luxurious women drapped seductively over
the bonnet (drool!....); and it isnt a PC mag.

And just so you know I was the one who said No.

Bifford the Youngest.

P.S. Mind you - a woman has got to be better than the bloke last issue,
selling the Miggys from the boot of his car.  Awfull choice of model! :)

Message 37598

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:30:02 +0000

> "Is your Amiga Workbench feeling tired and depressed? Well, what you
> need is the all *NEW* OS3.5! ! Worried that you all-important programs
> will no longer work? Fret not, for OS3.5 is compatible with nearly all
> Amiga applications and utilities! With new features and bug-fixes
> gallore, we guarantee that Workbench will get a complete make over!"

We need your comments on it please Amipal, not an advert.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
           Behaviourist psychology: 
          pulling habits out of rats

Message 37599

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: FUN TIME - Should AF feature more S exy babes on Cover?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:36:29 -0000
> > 1. Hmmmmm, SMG :P~			1
> > 2. No, It's Sexiest			1

Sexiest? Or Sexist?

> > 8. Yes please!			63
> Hmm.  AF is a computer mag.  It isnt a top shelf, big 
> knockers mag; Top Gear car mag where they have luxurious
> women drapped seductively over the bonnet (drool!....);
> and it isnt a PC mag.

I said Yes Please!

It's embarrasing reading a Mag in a store when it has
some dirty old man at a car boot on the cover. You don't
get looked at funny when you have PC Format in yer 'and
or T3 or summink.

> And just so you know I was the one who said No.

> Bifford the Youngest.
> P.S. Mind you - a woman has got to be better than the bloke 
> last issue, selling the Miggys from the boot of his car. 
> Awfull choice  of model! :)

See :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37600

From :"Sam Byford" <>
Subject: [afb] Name or Email showing?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:43:14 -0800
Hi people,

Now this topic comes up almost every time we get a new user onto
egroups, who posts messages via the web site.  How do I get egroups to
show my name not my email address on the list page?

Hell - I even asked that when I first joined.
And no-one has been able to give a good answer - until now!
Until recently, when I got the net at home, I just used the web to
reply to mails, and egroups always showed
. The - should be an "m" but egroups doesnt like long email or url
address` for some reason.

However, since I sent a mail via e-mail, egroups always shows me as Sam
Byford, whether I post via the web or via email (this letter was
written on the web).

So anyone who wants to change their name send at least one email to
egroups via your email server (

Hope this helps everyone, and perhaps this could go in the AFb part of
AF Ben (in a simplified version of course - you dont want all my
ramblings in there!)

Bifford the Youngest.

Message 37601

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Name or Email showing?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:43:19 +0000
Hi Sam,

> Until recently, when I got the net at home, I just used the web to
> reply to mails, and egroups always showed
> . The - should be an "m" but egroups doesnt like long email or url
> address` for some reason.

Nope, that's not the reason. It's because of the fact that eGroups try to
avoid spammers collecting email addresses from the website so they knock
the last letter off the name in the email address.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Follow your dream! Unless it's the one where you're at
work in your underwear during a fire drill.

Message 37602

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Name or Email showing?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:49:48 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Sam Byford wrote:
> reply to mails, and egroups always showed
> . The - should be an "m" but egroups doesnt like long email or url
> address` for some reason.

  It's an anti spam measure to stop spiders leeching off of the site.
Alough that doesn't help too much because they often post to the list


Message 37603

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Crashes
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 14:36:16 +0100
On 21-Nov-99, Matthew Wise wrote:

> Occasionaly the mouse pointer will suddenly freeze for no apparant reason.
> Anyone got any ideas what might be causing these lock-ups? Could it be
> MCP? I haven't got many other things running and I've heard that MCP is
> supposed to be dodgy.

The the blatantly obvious thing to do is remove mcp and see if it works. if
that fixes it then it was at fault, why do you need to ask us?. Only you
can test MCP, none of us uses your system, jeeez....

don't get me wrong here, we're all willing to help, but if you think mcp is
the problem why not try turning it off first!?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

I'm Rush Limbaugh's Homosexual Liberal Democratic Lover.

Message 37604

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 14:37:24 +0100
On 21-Nov-99, Kevin Fairhurst wrote:

> True, true.  I'm tempted to buy so many games for my console, but at 40 a
> shot I'm trying not to!

Daydream cast or NDead64 ? ;)

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Exodus 33:14

Message 37605

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] meeces
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 14:38:13 +0100
On 21-Nov-99, Vincenzo Morra wrote:

>> Does anyone know whether Golem from Power Computing is ever going to be
>> released? I really liked the demo, but have heard nothing on it since,
>> and it's vanished out of the ads.

> It is been put on hold.

Now you're here, what about the mouse adaptors? are the wheel versions ready
or not?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Our God is in the heavens;he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.Psalm

Message 37606

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Which Graphics software ?
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 17:03:38 +0100
On 21-Nov-99, Darren wrote:

> Does anyone know of a reasonable graphics package that can handle
> JPEGs ?

Turbo print man.....the gfx proggy included will give excellent quality and
above all speed. printing from it allows you to scale the image to any
size, orientation etc and will go as fast as the printer can take it (on my
030 it does...)

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

You have a talent for umox!  -Quark

Message 37607

From :fool <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader Stuff and Mods.
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:26:54 +0000
Hi Ben,

On 22-Nov-99 you wrote:

> Hi Alex,

>> Just a thought: can we send in mods if we can garuntee that none of the
>> samples have copyrights on them? Like if we've made them ourselves
>> (inwhich case there would be copyright, but it'd be ours to do with as
>> we wish) or we use Octamed's synth feature?

> How can you guarantee it?


> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Want samples? Copyright free ones?


ISTR a competition some time ago where everyone was given the same set of
(copyright free) samples and the winner was whoever came up with the best
mod made only from them.  Maybe AF could do something similar with a nice
soundcard or something as a prize?  At least we'd get some mods on the CD

Martin,  1974.

Message 37608

From :fool <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Praise Mash Day
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:27:36 +0000
Hi eGroups,

On 22-Nov-99 you wrote:

> Reminder from the afb calendar at

> All who wish to live must pay hommage to the great one, MashMan. all
> non-believers will be struck down by lightning.



Message 37609

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and new SetPatch (Slightly off topic!)
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 20:01:54 +0000
Greetings  Satan =

On 21-Nov-99, you wrote:

>> 140? why didnt you buy the fujitsu 20Gb IDE for that price? :-)
>> =

>  If you can get a 20Gb HD for =A3140, how much is a 4Gb, at the
> moment I'm desperate for HD space!!

arouond 60 or 70 quid, depending on where you go.

> -------------
>> :)
> -------------
> All hail Amiga!!

> home:
> - Simplifying group communications


-- =

/PGP Key available on request/

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 37610

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The beginning of the end?
Date: 22 Nov 99 18:53:21 +0000
My dear Mr Evil

In future don't post to this list with this sort of subject line...
I'm nervous enough as it is ;)

But now I've calmed down, and  I enjoyed the floodgates
story. In many ways some of the things about innovation that Collas
said are very true. Where would we be today if the pace of the early
'80s had been maintained :/

Cheers for now.
Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 37611

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA
Date: 22 Nov 99 18:54:55 +0000
in a fit of rage Daniel Thornton said something about [afb] Re: Paying NOW Canada, UK & USA

> Nope; the aol addresses are usually fake. Alladvantage is a company that
> pays you for being online - they put an advert bar at the top of
> Windows/Mac screens. By getting people to click on the URL he provided,
> he increases his credits and earns more money. Alladvantage don't like
> that, and close the accounts instantly, so any money he has accumulated
> will also disappear :)

Which is nice :)
Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 37612

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Barclays Online Banking
Date: 22 Nov 99 19:00:28 +0000
Hi Guys

Following on from the Lloyds thread, I know a few of you were asking
about Barclays online banking a little while ago.

It couldn't be used by any Amiga browser, but the times they are a
changin' :)

The Banks online service is being relaunched with additional features
and simplified access requirements. I honestly don't know if we will
be able to make use of it, but for the record I assume JS is being
dropped as it is now to be "firewall friendly".

I don't know how the changes will affect the security arrangements,
perhaps Messrs Bothwick and Sealey can help here?

Cheers (and I'll let you know when the new system is up and running)
Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 37613

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 18:53:44 -0000
Hi Neil

> I find myself with less and less time available for afb :((

That's cos you spend all day using up the limit on afb-ot :-((((


Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's lie: Kangaroos evolved on Jupiter where the powerful hind legs
compensate for the enormous gravitational field. They found their way to
Earth after getting lost foraging for gum leaves.

Message 37614

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: FUN TIME - Should AF feature more Sexy babes on Cover?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 19:02:25 -0000
Hi Matt

> It's embarrasing reading a Mag in a store when it has
> some dirty old man at a car boot on the cover. You don't
> get looked at funny when you have PC Format in yer 'and
> or T3 or summink.

You've got to be careful though, if AF go to far we'll start getting the
sort of looks you get when you stand there reading Razzle.  Er, or is that
just me?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's lie: Kangaroos evolved on Jupiter where the powerful hind legs
compensate for the enormous gravitational field. They found their way to
Earth after getting lost foraging for gum leaves.

Message 37615

From :"Maarten Draijer" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP; OS3.5 and NI
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:17:01 -0800
"alan l.m. buxey" <> wrote: 
original article:

> theres a new DOpusII patch for the new OS3.5 icon library (old news)

I know, but i still use Dopus4.12 and I also have it with Autostart.
So there must be another problem.
But thanx anyway

Message 37616

From :"Maarten Draijer" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:19:49 -0800
"ben vost" <> wrote: 
original article:
Buy it, use or loose it.
It's better then al the patches and believe me, I've used the all.


Message 37617

From :"Maarten Draijer" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: I-Win machines available for review
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:22:35 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
original article:

> e.html
"The requested document wasn't found on this server."

says it all, I think.
Couldn't be bothered to try in a proper way.

Message 37618

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: I-Win machines available for review
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 19:27:31 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Maarten Draijer wrote:
> "The requested document wasn't found on this server."
> says it all, I think.  Couldn't be bothered to try in a proper way.

  What?  Like with a web browser?!

  Try going here:

  Then choosing the G-MCC page, then the Amiga Mode page if you can't
handle links that have been word wrapped.


Message 37619

From :"Tom Underwood" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 19:44:24 -0000
Hi Ben

>I'm Ben and i've just joined this list. Just thought the best way to send
>first message would be to introduce myself.


>I'm in the Uk and use a PPC A1200T which at the moment crashes
>spectacularly. :)

Hey Neil (or Brian) you got a challenger :)

>I've owned Amiga's since 1986 and currently have a collection of 10. If
>anyone wants to contact me about anything, feel free.

10!, I thought 3 was quite a few! (1200, 600 and CD32 if anyone is

Tom U, debating witches and folklaw

Message 37620

From :"Tom Underwood" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 19:53:06 -0000
Hi Jonathon

>I installed OS3.5 three days ago and it crashes everytime time i open an
>with a GUI :((. (i didn`t know regular resets where part of the new OS

People wanted something similay to windows didn`t they :)

Tom U , donning flameproof kit

Message 37621

From :Craig Peterson <>
Subject: [afb] Lightwave!
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:20:45 -0500
I would just like to know how hard it would be to give lightwave some rtg
and ppc support
via plugins etc...?

Message 37622

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Golem
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 18:07:42 +0000
Hello Michael

On 20-Nov-99, you wrote:

> I remember seeing that at World of Amiga one year....worked fast on an
> standard
> A1200...blimey!

The demo i played (AFCD 29) was well so a an Amiga 020 8mb.


/UIN/ - 42618074
<tsb>#   // Powered By Amiga #
<tsb># \X/    A1200 030/50   #
Confucius say...Passionate kiss, like spider web, lead to undoing of fly.

Message 37623

From :Brecht Machiels <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Executive
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 21:04:21 +0200

On 21-nov-99, Alkis Tsapanidis stated:

AT > Hi all
AT > Do not use executive with AHI or PPC I =

AT > have had serious problems (which I have =

AT > already published as"Noisy Sound"and
AT > "BlizzardPPCs and Crazy Lockups")
AT > which after alot of testing turned out to
AT > be caused by Executive.I think it is
AT > incompatible with the PPC kernels
AT > (both PowerUP and WarpUP)
AT > and AHI.I have had crashes  when
AT > terminating the ppc.library for warpup
AT > and serious noise when using AHI

I really would like to see an updated version of Executive.

-- =

 -=3D< Brecht Machiels <>           <> Genk, Belgiu=
m     >=3D-
 -=3D< [ OSAP     - ] <> Dopheidestra=
at 21 >=3D-
 -=3D< [ Amiga Club Genk - ] <> Tel: 089/350=
676   >=3D-
 -=3D<   [ ICQ: 4328206 ] + [ PGP key available on request ] + [ Team Ami=
ga ]  >=3D-

If I made myself clear, let me know and I'll start over.

Message 37624

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout again
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:42:39 +0000
Hi oliver,

> I have finally got wipeout working it turned out that the cgx monitor
> driver was to old.

> now i have another problem it is very very slow/jerky and this is in a
> 320x240 screen res with triple buffering on a 603 bvision shorley it
> should run really smoothly with those options set

> any one have any ideas as to the cause?

If you already had Warp3D installed, completely delete it and re-install
from the CD.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
           Behaviourist psychology: 
          pulling habits out of rats

Message 37625

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: :P
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:41:54 +0000
Hi Andy,

> I took Bens' advice a while back and made a 10Mb rad which is now
> permanent. I've got more ram now, so I'll prolly make it a bit bigger
> now.

I don't even have the RAM disk icon showing at all these days...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: change in Earth's rotational speed

Message 37626

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AF, or lack there of!
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:46:53 +0000
Hi Satan,

>   What's happening to AF? It's shrinking month by month! Are we going
> to end up with a =A36 leaflet? On the latest issue the issue no. doesn'=
> even fit on the spine! If it's a problem with funding then use plastic
> wallets instead of jewel cases for the cover CDs.

Guess what? It's the same thing I always say on here. If there isn't the
advertising, then there aren't the pages in the mag.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: bogon emissions

Message 37627

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Golem
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:54:38 +0000
Hi Frost,

> Does anyone know whether Golem from Power Computing is ever going to be
> released? I really liked the demo, but have heard nothing on it since, and
> it's vanished out of the ads.

It doesn't look likely. :(

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
How did the fool and his money get together in the
first place?

Message 37628

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCDs and MP3 files
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:55:33 +0000
Hi Frost,

> I suppose this question is generally for the AF staff. Although you seem
> to dislike putting music modules on the AFCDs, does this have to include
> MP3 files that could well be sample-free or not involve any copyright
> issues?

> It's just that they're generally fairly large for a casual download, and
> getting more than a few from Aminet is impractical.

> What's the actual reason for not including them, BTW?

If they are sample and copyright-free, then yes we could include them. We
have done so, but it's kind of a grey area.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
If you're not part of the solution,
you're part of the precipitate.

Message 37629

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader interaction with AF
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:15:47 +0000
Hi Paul,

>> Wassup? Why is no-one sending us reader reviews; AFCD surveys;

> Because they're old and hidden? I haven't actually seen one for
> months.

The survey is always in the same place, and while the questions haven't been
changed for ages, it's still a useful bit of feedback for us.

>> gallery entries;

> I've got some...

>> reader games; readerstuff entries;

> I've got some...

>> WB screengrabs,

> I've got one...

> Trouble is, there are loads of rules and stuff which I have to read
> and check I've agreed to and it's boring, sorry!

Okay. I'll make it reeeeaaally easy for those with low foreheads. Read the
bit in the HTML on the CD about submissions. You'll see that I've made it
easier than ever, because it says "if you want to send a picture", or "if
you want to send some software" and so on. You only need to read the rules
and regs for the type of thing you're gonna send in. The rules and regs are
partially in place to make our job of compiling easier, but also to comply
with legalityness as far as Future is concerned.

> Anyway, what I wanted to ask is, how come S Kroustallis got an mp2 on
> the CD this month? Surely if mods aren't allowed then mp's aren't
> either?

Probably because otherwise our reader selection would look really bare.
We're currently reconsidering whether we are now sooo far under the radar
that MODs will be allowable.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: typo in cdoe

Message 37630

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Graphic cards
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:16:32 +0000
Hi Ken,

>    As a lot of people have or are towering up there machines (A1200
> owners using EZ-Tower and Power Computing tower etc.) has there been a
> decent test on Graphic cards recently and which is the best.

The best one right now is that which is available. It's really hard to buy a
new gfx card right now... :(

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
"I'm not sure if I'm heterosexual", 
said Tom half in Earnest

Message 37631

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: P96 2.0 and CGX 4.2 head2head
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:34:25 +0000
Hi M.,

> Simple solution (one which I covered in my FIRST mail about this)
> is to take one stock A4000 with a processor in, and use that for
> all tests (obviously Zorro cards only - PicassoII, IV, Cyber#?PPC)

That's not so simple these days Matt. Okay, Rich and I both have an A4000,
but neither can be said to be "standard". We don't have a testbench machine
that doesn't have any hacks or patches on it, and even if we did, where do
you propose we get all these gfx cards from? You can't buy a PII except
secondhand (we've actually got one of these, but it's not fully working),
you won't be able to buy a new PIV until January if VT actually do another
production run, CyberPPC/BVisionPPC - well, if phase 5 were to get their
arses in gear, perhaps these would be available to buy, but they ain't.
Merlin, Retina, Retina BLTZ3, Spectrum, Rainbow and so on? All these cards
are not only no longer available, but hard to find, but you can bet that
there would be people desperate for us to lead them by the hand and tell
them which RTG system would be better for them, rather than trying it out
for themselves.

> The only variable would have to be the RTG system, and secondary
> to that the card (just to make it fair)..

Oh, is that all? Easy peasy.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Message 37632

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:09:20 +0000
Hi Mad,

> As the Amiga version of wipeout2 is a conversion of the playstation
> version, would it be possible to have a multiplayer link game by
> modifying a playstation link cable.

Sorry my fault. The Amiga version is a conversion of the PC version of
wipEout, so no, you can't do a multiplayer game.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
      ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI

Message 37633

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Heys
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:13:48 +0000
Hi Ben,

> I'm Ben and i've just joined this list. Just thought the best way to send
> my first message would be to introduce myself.

Welcome to the list Ben.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: Network packets travelling uphill

Message 37634

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The beginning of the end?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 01:12:19 -0000
> Subject: [afb] The beginning of the end?

Argh! That gave me a fright. I don't think anyone should post anything with a
subject like that. For a minute there, I thought it was AF winding down, and
closing. But don't scare me like that again ;)

 Neil - posting...  -
 A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.

Message 37635

From :roger buckley <>
Subject: [afb] plug
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:26:49 +0000
Hi everyone,

My website is now up. 3 games to download, all have been on AFCD but not the
compiled versions.

Kind regards

Amiga 1200, Viper 68030 Mk V Accel with 50Mhz FPU and 8 MBFast, Seagate
410MB 2.5" internal HD and 800MB SCSI HD in a midi tower with 4xCDRom. 56k
Modem, Power Port Junr Serial IF G.Image Hand Scanner & Citizen Swift

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 37636

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Barclays Online Banking
Date: 22 Nov 99 21:43:22 +0000
Hi again

Follow up to earlier post...

Actually I have just tried to apply for the Barclays service and I am
told by the server that V3 does not support a sufficient key length
for encyption :(

Hey ho.
Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 37637

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Motherboards and ROMs (was Flakey multiview?)
Date: 22 Nov 99 21:06:47 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Kevin Fairhurst wrote this and I just HAD to read it:

> The name's Fairhurst, Kevin Fairhurst, licence to email.
> I like it (ie I might nick it ;-)

Take it, I hate it.

> > I would expect commercial "fixer-people" of Amigas to know about
> > potential problems with motherboards.
> Erm, maybe they just replaced the motherboards and shipped the faulty ones
> off to C+ or Escom or whoever held the keys that week.

They tried to do a repair to start with so they knew what they were
doing. It was Dart, BTW.

> > I don't. Anyone want to tell me how to check?
> > I reckon it hasn't been done though, because my accelerator is a
> > bit odd.

> Why not look at the A1200 hardware guide on aminet that tells you what to do, and look
> at your m/b to se if it has been done!

Maybe, if I can be bothered. Or I'll just wait for someone clever to
tell me. </handbags>

> > I make them up spontaneously usually, but with only ~15 regular
> > posters on afb-ot it gets hard - there are limits to how you can
> > change the name "Martin" you know ;)
> Especially if you don't want to stoop to bottom levels of vulgarity

Yeah, it is quite offensive changing it to "Martine McCutcheon"

> Dev

Paul C, in orbit around a protostar
... Q. What do you call someone who hangs around with musicians?
    A. A drummer.

Message 37638

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!
Date: 22 Nov 99 21:08:13 +0000
The name's Buxey, Alan L.M. Buxey, licence to email.

> yes, i have a CD-Writer and would back up anyones HD in the Brighton(UK)
> area if they wanted to.

You do? Brighton, you say? Hmmmm.......... you might regret that
offer ;)
> alan

Paul C, missing "Universe" :/
... Q: What is the difference between a duck?
    A: One of its legs are both the same.

Message 37639

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Lloyds TSB online banking
Date: 22 Nov 99 21:11:37 +0000
I just read a /very/ interesting mail where you said about [afb] Re: Lloyds TSB online banking:

> > Has anyone got Lloyds TSB online banking working on their Amiga?
> Yep, I use it all the time with IB2.1, no problems except that sometimes some
> images don't load up.

I'm not worried about the piccies.

Ta (as well), I'll remember to phone them tomorrow with a bit of luck.

>  James Luscombe 

Paul C, losing the battle
... Q: How many gays does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    A: Two: One to screw it in, and the other to say "Fabulous!"

Message 37640

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: 22 Nov 99 21:20:17 +0000
What are you on about, Sam Byford?

> I sent mine!  Pull your fingures out people.  Your Magazine Needs You!

I think this needs a bit of handy work from Tom Waddington, people!

(in-joke for all those on afb-ot in case you're confused)

> Bifford the Youngest.


Paul C, with sunspots
... Top Oxymorons Number 38: Government organization 

Message 37641

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: 22 Nov 99 21:59:24 +0000
On Sun, 21 Nov 1999 14:37:24 +0100, Matthew O'Neill (mash@myamiga=2Efreeser=
ve=2Eco=2Euk) wrote:
> On 21-Nov-99, Kevin Fairhurst wrote:
> > True, true=2E  I'm tempted to buy so many games for my console, but at =
=A340 a
> > shot I'm trying not to!
> Daydream cast or NDead64 ? ;)

Tis a Dreamcast=2E  Okay, it runs Wince but the only reason I bought the
thing in the first place is out this Friday and it is called "Soul Caliber"
- this is *THE* ultimate fighting game ever!

I saw it running on a friends imported Japanese model in August and just
couldn't stop myself when they were finally released here!

Still, it's pay day soon=2E  And I should get a pay rise in January=2E  if =
can just keep Mr Visa off my back a little while longer =2E=2E=2E


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37642

From :fool <>
Subject: [afb] Mods on AFCDs (was: Reader interaction with AF)
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 22:00:50 +0000
Hi Ben,

On 22-Nov-99 you wrote:

> We're currently reconsidering whether we are now sooo far under the radar
> that MODs will be allowable.

Oh well, there's a bright side to everything, it seems.

If and when you decide to allow mods, let me know - I've got about 3 dozen
(in varying stages of completion - maybe someone else can use them for
ideas?) that are, to the best of my knowledge (99.9999999999% sure), all free of copyrighted samples.

BTW, what's the chance of getting a tune on as an audio track?  I've got a
couple of MIDI tunes that I'm quite proud of but I know they won't sound the
same on anyone else's setup so I'd prefer to have them on there the way they
really sound.


Message 37643

From :"Jeff Jeffery" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: INIT String for Hayes Optima 336 Voice&Fax
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 14:13:18 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
original article:
> Try init AT&F\r
> and nothing for the exit.
Golly! And that's all?


Message 37644

From :"Bill" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cannot soft reboot
Date: 22 Nov 99 21:07:03 +0000
  Hi Everyone,

My brother-in-law has a basic machine. the 3.5" HD connects via the cable into
the motherboard.

The drive worked OK on his previous A1200. 



Message 37645

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Boxer & G4
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 19:25:06 -0000
> > 
> > Will the proposed G4 accelerator from Phase 5 be compatible 
> > with the Boxer motherboard?
> No.

Quite right it does'nt....though if Phase 5 and Mick worked together
they could probley have devised a method of buying a 'upgrade part'
which would just be a G4 on a card (which could be used in a BoXeR
or a Phase 5 G4 card)....pitty they did'nt...though this would break
probley both markets/
> > (If not, given that Mike Tinker and Phase 5 have had previous 
> > discussions, is it likely that they would make a reworked version?)
They have probley already designed them and getting ready to 
ship the things....I don't think either want to take any steps back!!


Message 37646

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: wipeout sales target?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 20:01:49 -0000
> > Hey Ben!, how about getting a wet towel onto P5's arses and get them to
> > bundle 2097 with the Gx boards? they screwed up royally before by not
> > doing a quake deal, please don't let them give up a great chance like
> > this!!
> What gfx boards? Anyone here been waiting for months for their BV/CVPPC?

Why don't AmigaFormat and AmigaActive team up and try to get a bundle pack
arraged where you can buy a G4 card, graphics card (mini PCI thing),
SCSI/IDE controller (depending on your preference!) and Wipeout 2097....I
remember some of Commodore best good point were there bundles!

Michael (still not here)

Machines used:
A1200T with Z3, 160MHz PPC 603e/25Mhz '040, 18 MB
CD32 with SX1, 10MB
A500 with GVP HD+,5MB RAM (0.5MB Chip,4.5MB Fast), kickstart 1.2/2.5, 3 ext
floppys, Z2 slot

Message 37647

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: I-Win machines available for review
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 23:35:32 -0000
>   Try going here:

Is it me or is this just a PC or Mac emulation site....things like "8MB
Chip Ram and 64MB FastRam (depending on software settings)"
make me believe this....I personnelly don't believe that IWin can even 
produce their own hardware wise Amiga....emulation seems to be it.

All of their specs also make it look like a PC....If I wanted to emulate
an Amiga I would, but I don't (I don't mind having to emulate an Amiga
but buying an emulated Amiga seems silly when their are machines like the
BoXeR knocking on are doors). Do IWin know about the BoXer, do they
really think anyone would buy an PC over BoXeR then I think IWin might
just have their wired crossed!


Message 37648

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP; OS3.5 and NI
Date: 22 Nov 1999 23:37:21 +0000
Maarten Draijer said, 

> "alan l.m. buxey" <> wrote: 

>> theres a new DOpusII patch for the new OS3.5 icon library (old news)

> I know, but i still use Dopus4.12 and I also have it with Autostart.
> So there must be another problem.

There is. OS 3.5 uses a new function for opening icons, something like
OpenIconTag() instead of GetDiskObject(). This causes problems for
software using the old function to load NewIcons, since the patch
doesn't do anything under OS 3.5. This is what caused the AppIcon
problem with Opus Magellan, the one that's now fixed, but it doesn't
help with software that's no longer updated. MUIRexx, for example, no
longer shows NewIcon images.

Older software will only be fixed if someone releases a patch to
SetFunction GetDiskObject().

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Beware of the opinion of someone without any facts.

Message 37649

Subject: [afb] Re: AF, or lack there of!
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 16:10:13 -0800
> Guess what? It's the same thing I always say on here. If there isn't
> advertising, then there aren't the pages in the mag.

 Yup, also without the advertising, how are we to know who`s selling
what etc?
 There`s a lot of software reviewed in AF these days that you are hard
pressed to find a retailer to buy it from. No wonder software sales are
so low these days!
 So before all those whiny developers start to moan about poor sales,
maybe they should take a closer look at their marketing/advertising of
their products and splash out on an ad in AF..
 If AF dies, then it`ll have a knock on effect of their sales for sure,
so it`s in their interests for this great mag to stay alive too! 

Message 37650

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AF, or lack there of!
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 23:51:47 -0000
>   What's happening to AF? It's shrinking month by month! Are we going
> to end up with a 6 leaflet? On the latest issue the issue no. doesn't
> even fit on the spine! If it's a problem with funding then use plastic
> wallets instead of jewel cases for the cover CDs.

Guess what? It's the same thing I always say on here. If there isn't the
advertising, then there aren't the pages in the mag.


I think you should try and compete with AmigaActive a little more..unless
you really enjoy having no adverts (or very close to it!).

I remember when AmigaFormat used to make massive hardware review specials...
how about one of these...I am sure it can only help your situation a little!


Message 37651

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 00:00:02 -0000
> > As the Amiga version of wipeout2 is a conversion of the playstation
> > version, would it be possible to have a multiplayer link game by
> > modifying a playstation link cable.

Why could'nt they do the Playstation version?....The playstation version
is so much better...for one it has good music (Firestarter comes quickly to
mind) and it has multiplayer games...I have a copy of the PC version
and I seem to get messed up lighting in the background something which I
also cannot remember happening on the playstation version.

Is that Psynosis were bought out by Sony and forgot about all other
platforms or are the just stupid?...I would like to got with the first
but I sure I should go for the latter!


Message 37652

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AF, or lack there of!
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 00:17:02 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Michael wrote:
> I think you should try and compete with AmigaActive a little more..unless
> you really enjoy having no adverts (or very close to it!).

  Yeah Ben, try competing with AmigaActive!  ;)  Sorry, I just had to say
that.  Sorry Ben, sorry Micheal.

> I remember when AmigaFormat used to make massive hardware review specials...
> how about one of these...I am sure it can only help your situation a little!

  The only massive Amiga hardware these days is the Eyetech tower ;)


Message 37653

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 00:20:18 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Michael wrote:
> Is that Psynosis were bought out by Sony and forgot about all other
> platforms or are the just stupid?...I would like to got with the first
> but I sure I should go for the latter!

  Not forgotten.  But Sony do love thier exclusives, that's why the Music
for the playstation version was only on the playstation (and not the
PC/Saturn/N64.  Oh yeah, and Amiga!)


Message 37654

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 01:00:12 -0000
> > Is that Psynosis were bought out by Sony and forgot about all other
> > platforms or are the just stupid?...I would like to got with the first
> > but I sure I should go for the latter!
>   Not forgotten.  But Sony do love thier exclusives, that's why the Music
> for the playstation version was only on the playstation (and not the
> PC/Saturn/N64.  Oh yeah, and Amiga!)

Another thing that pissed me off...well that on the Playstation
the music is held on CD tracks (so if you wanted you could play it on your
hifi). The
PC version had the music in a file, so there is no chance that you could
make your own
version with other CD music (ie copying the Wipeout CD track one and putting
all your
other music on the other tracks). Psynosis I think went down hill after they
were bought by


Message 37655

From :chris <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Pamphlet Revisited (Was AF, or lack there of!)
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 03:43:31 +0000
Hello Ben

On 22-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Hi Satan,
> =

>>   What's happening to AF? It's shrinking month by month! Are we going
>> to end up with a =A36 leaflet? On the latest issue the issue no. doesn=
>> even fit on the spine! If it's a problem with funding then use plastic=

>> wallets instead of jewel cases for the cover CDs.
> =

> Guess what? It's the same thing I always say on here. If there isn't th=
> advertising, then there aren't the pages in the mag.
> =

We all know how thin Future will let an Amiga mag get before closing it, =
it looks my friends, that our beloved AF is going the same way. =A35.99 f=
92 pages is too much for too little, IMHO and when the ABC figures are
released for the second half of the year, I'll wager that it'll dip below=

the 10,000 mark and then I'll give it six months tops before closure.  :(=

As for lack of advertisers, I haven't seen much diversification e.g
non-Amiga related ads, apart from one tiny sex chatline.  I'm not sure wh=
the demographic for AF is nowadays, but I for one wouldn't take offence i=
non-Amiga ads appeared, the Cerebus springs to mind.

As for generating extra funds, I, (and I think many others), have stacks =
AF's sitting in the corner of a room.  I'm desperate for some AF binders,=

but they're not available.  Why not?  Surely, when binders for PC Format
are ordered, why can't they order a few thousand with the PC scribbled ou=
and Amiga printed in its place?  Even at the old price of =A310 for two
binders, I'd probaly spend =A370......the price of two years subscription=
!! =

The same goes for clothing, I'm gagging to get some branded Amiga gear, =

and Alive are getting some in stock......that's another missed opportunit=
for AF to generate some extra cash.


-- =

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen - I am the Walrus GOO GOO GOO JOOB.
-- I am the Walrus, The Beatles

Powered by PowerPC Amiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC/060 50Mhz, BVision, 74Mb Ram, OS3.5, CGX V4=

Panasonic 36" Wiiiiddeessccrreeennn TV, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD, Deno=
AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers, Kef SubWoofer..... =

Message 37656

Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 00:55:10 -0800

This is not good, Ben sent yesterday a mail entitled "MANAGE", and yet
it seems so little have responded to the request for opinions on OS3.5.
 As Ben said, it really just show the apathy of this group.  I thought
we were supposed to be all a friendly bunch? :)  Seems not, so come on
guys and gals, write Ben a comment on what you think of OS3.5 (if you
have it, which I hope you do!), otherwise not only will we have a half
empty page in AF, but it isn't giving a good impression of ourselves as
a group.  Oh well.  :(

No offense is meant here, I just wish more interest and enthusiasm was


Nick Lamburn.

Message 37657

Subject: [afb] Re: PFS3 (was Oh dear... something's broke) + plug for afb-ot!
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 01:13:11 -0800
> > yes, i have a CD-Writer and would back up anyones HD in the
> > area if they wanted to.
> You do? Brighton, you say? Hmmmm.......... you might regret that
> offer ;)
> Paul C, missing "Universe" :/

Could this be? Another fellow Brightonian?!

Fortune favours the bold.
Visit the Amipal website:

Message 37658

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Crashes
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:22:22 -0000
> On 21-Nov-99, Matthew Wise wrote:
> > Occasionaly the mouse pointer will suddenly freeze for no 
> > apparant reason. Anyone got any ideas what might be causing
> > these lock-ups? Could it be MCP? I haven't got many other
> > things running and I've heard that MCP is supposed to be
> > dodgy.

MCP is only dodgy when idiots try and use it. People who haven't
a clue how the hell it works and have no concept of the importance
of 'patch order'

Not saying your an idiot, but Ma(sh)ew agrees with me on this:

> The the blatantly obvious thing to do is remove mcp and see 
> if it works. if that fixes it then it was at fault, why do
> you need to ask  us?. Only you can test MCP, none of us uses
> your system, jeeez....

Why do people need to seek clarification from others that they
are doing something right when it's so mundane?

Removing a patch from startup is no big deal. What do we have
to do, hold your hand through it?

> don't get me wrong here, we're all willing to help, but if 
> you think mcp is the problem why not try turning it off
> first!?


Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37659

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flakey multiview?
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:23:24 -0000
> On 21-Nov-99, Kevin Fairhurst wrote:
> > True, true.  I'm tempted to buy so many games for my=20
> > console, but at =A340 a shot I'm trying not to!
> Daydream cast or NDead64 ? ;)

Or the Greystation..?

Seriously, all consoles suck - with one exception being
the Gameboy Color. Watch as it outsells the DreamCast,
Playstation and N64 COMBINED!

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester#

Message 37660

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: P96 2.0 and CGX 4.2 head2head
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:28:24 -0000
> Hi M.,
> > Simple solution (one which I covered in my FIRST mail about this)
> > is to take one stock A4000 with a processor in, and use that for
> > all tests (obviously Zorro cards only - PicassoII, IV, Cyber#?PPC)
> That's not so simple these days Matt. Okay, Rich and I both 
> have an A4000, but neither can be said to be "standard". We
> don't have a testbench machine that doesn't have any hacks
> or patches on it,

You don't have 50Mb of HD space to install 3.5 and P96 2.0 and
a few apps?

> you propose we get all these gfx cards from? 

IIRC you already have a large stock of ageing graphics cards :)

I'm sure your freelancers could follow some instructions and
play around with THEIR cards..

> Merlin, Retina, Retina BLTZ3, Spectrum, Rainbow and so on? 

Well obviously only the most popular cards :) I was thinking
Picassos as a test of both, and Pixel64 and Permedia as the
sort of "they're only supported one RTG system each but we'll
test them anyway"

> them which RTG system would be better for them, rather than 
> trying it out for themselves.

Can't you just do some P96Speed tests on your PicassoIV then? 

> > The only variable would have to be the RTG system, and
> > secondary to that the card (just to make it fair)..
> Oh, is that all? Easy peasy.

Yup :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37661

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The beginning of the end?
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:26:53 +0000
Hi Neil,

>> Subject: [afb] The beginning of the end?

> Argh! That gave me a fright. I don't think anyone should post anything
> with a subject like that. For a minute there, I thought it was AF winding
> down, and closing. But don't scare me like that again ;)

There's been a rumour flying around that we are to close. Don't worry, we're
not, and if you guys hear anything like that, please stamp on it. You can
rest assured that I will give as much notice as possible on here, if the
situation arises where we are going to close the mag, but we're budgeted
all through next year.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Is there another word for synonym?

Message 37662

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Lightwave!
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:31:37 +0000
Hi Craig,

> I would just like to know how hard it would be to give lightwave some rtg
> and ppc support
> via plugins etc...?

via plugins? Impossible. LW's plugin structure doesn't allow for that kind
of change. You can get a plug-in to display rendered images on a CGFX
screen (which works under P96 too), but that's all.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
"Can I have one of those chocolates?"
Tom said candidly.

Message 37663

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:39:41 +0000
Hi Michael,

> Why could'nt they do the Playstation version?....The playstation version
> is so much better...for one it has good music (Firestarter comes quickly
> to mind) and it has multiplayer games...I have a copy of the PC version
> and I seem to get messed up lighting in the background something which I
> also cannot remember happening on the playstation version.

The PC version was much cheaper to license for exactly that reason - the

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want to send something for the CD? Read
Submissions Advice on the AFCD first.

Message 37664

Subject: [afb] Re: Crashes
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 01:44:24 -0800
> MCP is only dodgy when idiots try and use it. People who haven't
> a clue how the hell it works and have no concept of the importance
> of 'patch order'

Like when it is the only patch running?! Like when you have *NONE* of
the patches in MCP running?!

> Removing a patch from startup is no big deal. What do we have
> to do, hold your hand through it?

It is if your system hangs when the WB screen loads up, thus
invalidating the HD. :( Time to boot with no startup-sequence...

Visit the Amipal website:

Message 37665

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Pamphlet Revisited (Was AF, or lack there of!)
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:44:40 +0000
Hi chris,

> We all know how thin Future will let an Amiga mag get before closing it=
> and it looks my friends, that our beloved AF is going the same way. =A3=
> for 92 pages is too much for too little, IMHO and when the ABC figures =
> released for the second half of the year, I'll wager that it'll dip bel=
> the 10,000 mark and then I'll give it six months tops before closure. :=

It is too much. That's why people should subscribe.

> As for lack of advertisers, I haven't seen much diversification e.g
> non-Amiga related ads, apart from one tiny sex chatline. I'm not sure w=
> the demographic for AF is nowadays, but I for one wouldn't take offence=
> non-Amiga ads appeared, the Cerebus springs to mind.

Well, we did have advertising for the Cerberus, but have you noticed that=

neither Blittersoft nor Weird Science are advertising in the mag? That's
why there are no ads for Cerberus.

> As for generating extra funds, I, (and I think many others), have stack=
> of AF's sitting in the corner of a room. I'm desperate for some AF
> binders, but they're not available. Why not? Surely, when binders for P=
> Format are ordered, why can't they order a few thousand with the PC
> scribbled out and Amiga printed in its place? Even at the old price of =
> for two binders, I'd probaly spend =A370......the price of two years
> subscription!! The same goes for clothing, I'm gagging to get some bran=
> Amiga gear, and Alive are getting some in stock......that's another mis=
> opportunity for AF to generate some extra cash.

Unfortunately, if it were as simple as that, then it would be done. Belie=
me, the folk at Future want to make AF a profitable concern, and that's w=
the mag's still running even at 92 pages - because it makes money, but
binders, clothes, etc. won't, and that's why they aren't produced.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 37666

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Consoles
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:52:00 +0000
Hi M.,

> Or the Greystation..?

Haha! Mine isn't grey! I bought a new clear blue case for it in K=F6ln an=
d it
now looks lovely... :)

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
"My stereo's half-fixed", said Tom monotonously.